Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Halloween

Lions and tigers and bears oh my.  Tonight we will be inundated with short people, short people who are doing a few things that we as parents have told them not to do throughout most of their lives.  Like don’t talk to strangers, don’t take candy from strangers, don’t eat and run.  I guess that we are good at setting rules but not following them, for example the person I was following through La Crosse this morning on my way to work has kids, I know this because they have the little stick figure stickers on the back window that told me there were 5 people and a couple of dogs in that family, this person went straight thru a turn lane about 10 miles per hour over the speed limit, and then when she had a green turn signal she stopped before she went, after I yelled a string of niceties to myself of course, I passed her when possible and guess what, she was texting.  I bet if her teenager was in the car that she would be yelling at him to stop texting and pay attention, but then again many of our kids are out ringing door bells talking to strangers and taking candy from the weirdo on the next block.   Remember kids do as we say not as we do, we mean well.  

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