Friday, June 28, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 28 jobs

If you don’t have the job that you want why not look?  I know I have brought up jobs and job search here before, but why work a job you hate?  We all have only so many breaths on this earth, so why be miserable?  I lucked out and have the best job for me.  I couldn’t imagine being shackled to a desk or have the noose of a tie around my neck day in and day out.  But I am also happy driving a 1999 car with 346 thousand miles, so wearing shorts and flip flops to work works for me.  

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 27 food on a stick

Ever wonder why there is summer time blues?  Could it be the sun?  Could it be that we have daylight for the majority of the day or could it be that we eat crappy food.  I am guessing that it is the latter.  I have two kids in organized sports and that means either a baseball game or softball game every day of the week, and when they don’t play they have practice.  Practice times and games are often right after work and its either rush to the games or divide and concur to make sure that each kid has someone there and someone to give them a ride.  I was thinking this isn’t the only time that we grab and go with our foods, summer is also the time for state fairs and the food that state fairs bring.  A friend of mine Kim sent me the foods that are new to the Minnesota State fair.  What arte the weirdest foods you have heard of and what are the weirdest foods on a stick you have ever eaten?   I tried beer on a stick once, not impressed. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 26 pop drinker

I am a big drinker…of water.  I used to have a pop addiction and when I did I would consume 6-10 12 oz cans of pop a day.  I am glad I quit that habit, it is like any other habit, day at a time, I was lucky when I quit, I did just cold turkey.  The nice thing for me is that there was no cravings or other withdrawals and also what is nice is that I can enjoy an ice cold pop every once in a awhile with out the need to drink more.  When I drank pop I used to drink diet dew or diet coke, now I like a regular dew or a good root beer, make that most beer.  By the way have you ever had an unopened pop explode all over the inside of your car?  I have and for that I am glad I quit.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 25 wheres my money

Living the dream….paycheck to paycheck, about three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, according to a new survey.  The survey also shows that about 50% had saved less than three-months worth of expenses and 27% have no savings at all.  Doing this we leave ourselves open, wide open for the blips in the road that life seems to throw our way like hikes in gas or food, this is pushing us more and more into debt.  To get out without winning the lottery, budget, make more money and save.  You can do it.  

Monday, June 24, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 24 weather

You know it’s funny the way we react to weather, we are never happy.  Last year we were wishing for rain, this year we were hoping for weather like last year, I really don’t think that there is any pleasing us.  When I first moved to La Crosse the saying that was always tossed my way was wait 15 minutes and the weather will change, I do not agree with that but the weather is ever changing and that is good.  I am glad that I live in an area where we do not have the vanilla forecasts day after day.  There are days that I wish we had 82 every day and 65 every night but guess what it would get boring fast, and if I really wanted that temperature day in and day out I would have to take my own advice and move.  

Friday, June 21, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 21 love your kids

I tell my kids I love them.  I do not have an issue with telling people that I care about these words.  Someone said to me yesterday that they like to hear when men say I love you to their kids.  I was raised with this being ok, also I hug my parents and tell them I love them as well.  I think it is weird when people don’t tell their loved ones this.  You do love them right?  Tell them.  If you didn’t or don’t hear it from your parents don’t you kind of wish you did or do hear it from them?  Take the first step and let them know your feelings it is 2013 after all.  

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 20 Haydens birthday

Happy birthday to my oldest son Hayden, it is hard to believe what changes have been taking place at the Schmidt house over the past 18 years.  Its funny when you become a parent for the first time, you have no idea what to do, you look at your own parents and use the things you thought worked and not use the things that didn’t like.  I remember when I was a kid myself and telling myself that I would never yell at my kids, I failed miserably with that goal, I hope that my children understand why it is that I yelled over the years.  No one hands you an owner’s manual that is a great way to raise your child, every kid is so different and every child has different things that motivates them.  I find it hard to believe that of my four children they are so different yet so much alike.  They say that as a parent you are a child’s first teacher, I would like to say that I have learned so much from my kids.  I am so proud of my children, especially Hayden my oldest, he has become a great young man and a man who I love and look forward to watching him blossom into his potential.  Happy Birthday Hayden, I love you.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 19 paying more

Sometimes don’t you feel like you’ve been a victim of bait and switch?  When you got your mobile phone, or your tv package and you were told that your monthly charge would be for ease of math 50 per month.  You think that is a great deal you sign the dotted line and the first bill arrives, that bill is over twice the expected rate, you call listen to some bs on how with this deal you have to prepay a month and you can't forget about taxes and other fees.  What happened to truth in pricing?  When I go put gas in my car I know that today I am paying 3.69 per gallon and if I put 50 dollars in my tank I will pay 50 dollars.  I may not like it but I know what I am paying.  I am not a fan of the change in the pricing or the bare bones billing scheme, tell me what my costs will be and let me budget for it so I will know if I can afford the luxuries or not.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 18 neighbors

Usually I like my neighbors, this morning not so much.  I was awakened with the crashing of the basketball against the hoop and the dribbling of the ball on the ground in between misses.  Couple that with the dog barking at the unexpected noise and you have a cranky Bob.  My neighbor kid got home about 1:56 this morning and started shooting hoops.  I just want to say thank you from the Schmidt family and the rest of the neighbors you woke up.  So 1:56am for me is maybe like 9:56am for him, but then again he is young and could probably sleep through anything.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 17 sunburn

We had a few nice days in a row, and I got a lot of sun.  I didn’t get burnt but I am guessing that lots did.  It seems when we have a few nice days in a row that we tend to forget about the sun being hot and ready to burn.  If you are a little red this morning don’t forget the aloe.  I had a buddy that swore by taking a few aspirin after too much exposure of the sun and you will wake up with no sunburn, I did try that a few times and it seemed to work for me, do you have any tricks for either keeping from peeling or for no sun burn pain?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 14 getting old

There is something wrong with my mirrors in my upstairs bathroom.  I tell you there is something seriously wrong with them.  I used to wake up look in the mirror and say to myself good morning handsome let’s get ready to take on the day.  And I could always lie to myself and sneak that hello handsome in without feeling like a liar.  Lately I haven’t been able to say this in the morning, as the guy in the mirror is much older than me, he has bags under his eyes, and his beard is turning a few shades of gray, not quite 50 shades but many colors of old.  I don’t know what happened to that mirror, at first I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me but when I get outside the beauty of living in Western Wisconsin is all around, it must be time to replace my upstairs mirrors.  

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 13 Fathers Day

Father’s Day is Sunday.  It is funny we don’t do as much or say as much about father’s day as we do mother’s day, and I wonder why?  Dads are just as important as moms.  At least I hope that is the way they are thought of.  As a son of a great father I know that I often forget to let him know how much he means to me and how the lessons in life that he as shared and taught have been noticed and lived by, but I am guessing he knows.  If he has missed the clues, I just want my dad to know that I love him and am grateful for all that he has taught me and thankful for all he has given me over the last almost 45 years.  Dad I love you and Happy Father’s Day.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 12 smoking

I used to be a smoker, I look back at it now an wonder why.  I see many young kids picking up the habit and think the same thing, why.  One of the smarter things I have done was to quit.  I have a few friends who still partake in the habit but for the most part they have all quit as well.  I have been seeing the e-cigarettes more and more and in the weirdest places, like while walking through the grocery store and in the movie theater.  Why is it ok to smoke these in public but not a regular cigarette?  I think you are still adding chemicals to what I am breathing right? 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 11 jaywalkers

If someone is in the cross walk I will stop and allow them to cross the street.  I am very much not a fan of the stoplights controlled by the students by Jade,  lots of times they will push the button and then cross without waiting for it change, it changes when cars get up there and you have cars stopped on West Ave without any pedestrians.  Kind of irritating.  I went south on highway 35 the other day cruise set at 58 when an idiot walked out in front of me, I found this much more irritating than a car pulling out in front of me cause if I was not paying attention I could have killed this guy, if you have no regards for your life that is one thing but if you are putting me and my family in harm’s way shame on you. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 10 fist bump

I very much dislike the fist bump, and I always get caught with it, meaning I bump back.  I think I am old school when it comes to hellos and meetings I like the good old fashioned hand shake and eye contact.  I was at a bunch of graduation parties over the weekend and saw a dad of one of my sons friends dads and said hi, he turned said hi to the other guy at the table shook his hand gave a few pleasantries to him looked up to me, gave me a fist bump and a nod then moved on.  I have been kicking myself since for allowing this to happen.  I think I am going to start saying I’m not comfortable with the fist bump, either that or just not do anything.  I know that this is rude, but isn’t a fist bump just as rude?  

Friday, June 7, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 7 they are watching

Big surprise here a disclosure of two secret surveillance programs.  I am shocked, and outraged.  You are asking yourself is Bob for real?  No I am no, how can I surprised or shocked?  I have assumed that all of our communication is monitored when we are using public airways.  Heck there are pictures of all of us and all of our structures online, thank you google and satellite images, why would our verbal or written communication be safe?  I would like to think that they, and by they I mean big brother isn’t looking at what I am talking or texting about.  Also if the government is looking at what we are looking for on the internet, maybe they can help me, I am looking for some good quality used windows and an outside door for my cabins shed.  Also if they really are here to help, I am also looking for a rear tined tiller.  

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 6 Shipped my pants

Advertisements are everywhere.  There are some I enjoy and others I can do without.  The new Kmart campaign that is I believe an internet only campaign is awesome.  Have you seen the “Shipped my pants” ad or the “Big gas savings” ad?  Those are some creative commercials getting lots of extra play because they have gone viral.  Are there any commercials that you think have ranked up there with either of these two?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 5 couponing

I know I have talked coupons in the past, but I think it is important to talk food, and food savings every once in a while.  I admit I am a coupon and deal shopper.  I have gotten better on buying things that I need rather than buying things just because they are a good deal.  My brothers call me frugal, others may see me as cheap, but I don’t care.  I have been told in the past by men who I work with that dudes don’t use coupons.  I think that if you are not using them you are not a man.  What is the stigma of a couple of coupons?  The extreme couponing I don’t agree with, because who needs 150 bottles of anything, that is hording and another issue, but saving a buck or two with a couple of coupons in my opinion is the right thing to do.  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Highlights of a new survey on customer loyalty and complaints …

• Nissan has the lowest loyalty among the large car brands; Ford has one of the highest.

• Most complaints have to do with powertrains, hardware, and electronics.

These are the cars with the most safety complaints …

5. Dodge … Model with most complaints: Grand Caravan.

4. Chrysler … Model with most complaints: Town & Country.

3. Smart … Complaints per 10,000 sold: 25.

2. Jeep … Model with most complaints: Wrangler.

1. Mini Cooper … No car brand received more complaints per 100,000 vehicles sold.

– Sourced from

Daily Dose of BS June 4 safe in your own neighborhood?

In the past year there have been at least 4 homicides in my small town.  Four people’s lives have been ended prematurely.  There have been shootings, and stabbings and robberies, home break ins and lots and lots of drugs bought, sold and made.  The FBI have been here for drug busts and they have helped in murder investigations.  Welcome to small town America.  What happened to the white picket fences, and the neighbors helping hand?  When did the littler communities become a place for more than an occasional graffiti, toilet papering or shop lifting?  What is our country becoming?  Do you feel safe in your community, if not what are you doing to make a difference?  

Monday, June 3, 2013

Daily Dose of BS June 3 everyday extras

We all have them, the people in our lives that we don’t know but we see everywhere.  I saw a few of these people over the weekend and actually asked someone who that person was and they had no idea.  The weird thing is that I asked the host of a graduation party I was attending.  Do you recognize your extras?  Have you ever tried to engage them in conversation?  Some of the extras are the people you expect to see like the friendly face at Festival foods or at Kwik Trip, or they woman with the scarf and gloves, the anti-gravity lady that walks downtown, of the guy who rides his bike with the tank top and skirt on.  We all have them, don’t be the extra in everyone’s life be meaning for some.