Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 29 big fine

15.3 billion or a little more than 2 dollars per person in the world.  Volkswagen could spend up to $15.3 billion settling lawsuits and government allegations that it cheated on emissions tests.  According to some they are ruining the world’s air quality.  Really?  Aren’t there millions of drivers out there driving millions of miles a day, and factories pumping unsafe exhaust into our environment, don’t forget about power plants and who knows what is spewed into our air systems, fires, people smoking, fireworks.  The list of contaminants flying into our environment every day is a lot.  I don’t think you can blame our poor air quality on just one company.  But I do think that they should be held responsible for lying to the world.  You don’t just lie to everyone and you don’t just go faking tests.  For that the punishment should be harsh, but for causing an environmental distraction, I think we are all to blame for part of that. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 28 job

Have you ever taken any online tests?  I took one this morning to see what my ideal job would be, it pegged me to be either a MUSICIANS, PHOTOGRAPHERS, ACTORS, MUSIC COMPOSERS AND ARRANGERS, SINGERS, RADIO AND TELEVISION ANNOUNCER.  Well at least I know I am doing the right job for me.  I am glad that it wasn’t only music because I can’t carry a tune not even in a bag.  I have had many conversations with my kids about what they want to be for a living.  And they know then they don’t know.  I told them to not worry about it because chances are what they choose to do for a living will probably not be what they either study for or will end up retiring from.  I happened to luck out in finding a job that I love doing and have fun doing.  If you can do that you are golden, it isn’t like working a day in your life.  BTW here is that link to the test I took this morning how did you come out? 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 27 toothbrush

Ever had your toothbrush fall into either the garbage or the toilet?  I have.  This morning I went to grab my toothbrush off the ledge where it sits and it slipped right out of my hands I reached for it and it bobbled right into the garbage, needless to say I left it there.  I wonder why when you drop things that about half the time they do what you don’t want them to do meaning I thought please don’t fall into the toilet, it didn’t, but it fell right into the garbage.  Here is a better example, how many times have you dropped something and had it roll behind something or under something or worse yet fell right into a hole and it was lost and not found without some effort.  I hope that your day is filled with finding things that were lost and for things not falling or getting lost. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 24 staycation

This morning I am broadcasting at Lock and Dam 7.  When was the last time that you came over to the dam to check it out?  For me it has been many years, here is a reminder be a tourist in your own community.  I think we should look at the great things we have in our own back yard the things that we take for granted like the rivers, and lakes.  When was the last time you were out on the water?  How about the bluffs and the many miles of trails both on the bluffs and through the parks.  I also invite you to take in the great local shops in Downtown La Crosse or a short drive to the north there is the La Crosse Fairgrounds Speedway, many different foods can be found here and you can't forget the salute to this that and the other thing, almost every single weekend we are blessed to live in an area that has fest fairs and fun weekly.  So look around and take in what is around and live life to its fullest.  And share what you have found.   When someone says I am going to La Crosse what do you tell people to check out?

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 23 protests

What started off as a 16 hour sit in with many of the democrats protesting, dwindled down to just a few protesters.  The cameras were shut off, however a few of the Democrats vowed to keep it going, do protests work?  I was listening to the Democrats sit in demanding action on gun control.  There are protests all time.  Do they work?  Have you ever changed your mind on something because someone protested?  I am not sure that I have.  I may have had my mind changed for me because of a protest or two, with businesses giving in in the long run, or maybe driving a different way to somewhere because of a protest going on, or something I was at was started later than it should have because of protesters but have I been a part of a protest not that I can think of.  Have you?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 22 traffic

Last night I saw what people are talking about.  We had to be in Galesville last night by 6:15 for my sons baseball game, we left our house by 5:25 to give ourselves a few minutes of wiggle room.  We needed that extra time, the traffic from about Clinton Street all the way north to highway 53 was stop and go.  I was getting irritated and thought to myself how do people deal with this each and every day?  I only usually have to deal with traffic at Christmas time by the mall and when traveling so this was a different feeling for me living in Western Wisconsin.  For those who drive this daily, how do you put up with it?  And for those that don’t ever see it, I wish I could go back to just thinking that we don’t have traffic in La Crosse. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 21 computers

For the past 3 years the La Crosse Schools had I-Pads for the middle schoolers, I know for a fact that bringing this technology into the class rooms has helped out and brought our kids to the front of the class when it comes to technology and computing, as well as finding information and how to use the technology that is available to them.  The La Crosse School District just signed a lease with Apple to pay them 814,378 dollars per year for laptop computers for our current high schoolers.  I think that this a great idea because it levels the playing field for the kids who maybe don’t have the availability of a computer at home.  I do wonder about the exclusive use of Apple computers with the kids though, because in my line of work as well as my wives work we use PC’s rather than Apple computers.  I don’t know if there is a compatibility issue with the two platforms.  And if maybe this may be a hindrance. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 20 Hayden

1995 was the last time that I didn’t get to celebrate Father’s Day since then, I have been a Dad.  Yesterday was an awesome day, I got greetings and presents from my four children.  The biggest joy of being a Dad is the birth of your child, I had been in love before but never loved so much as when my son Hayden was born.  Hayden paved the way for me to be a Dad, he came into the world a month early after my wife Marcia sent 3 months on bed rest.  But it was all worth it.  Usually these birthday greetings are filled with mushy things like In the past 21 years it has been amazing to see him grow into a responsible young man.  How Hayden has been on the Honor Roll every quarter and trimester of his School Career.  As his dad I am so proud of this guy.  He has great friends, who all have high aspirations in life.  He is polite, caring and has a great scene of humor, he is also smart-alecky at times and people always throw at me where do you think he got that.  I don’t know, can you pick that up off a toilet seat somewhere?  I expect many great and exciting things for this young man.  I don’t mean for this to be embarrassing but I am so proud of him.  Hayden I hope you have a great birthday, and remember I always love you buddy. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 17 Fathers Day

With Father’s Day coming up on Sunday, have you ever thought that Dads get the short end of the stick?  When I was a kid Mother’s Day was that special day of the year when we and by we I mean my brothers and I would always do something above and beyond for our Mom, we would be nice to each other and offer up our services to help with chores around the house pick flowers and give plenty of hugs and kisses.  For Father’s Day we would punch the old man in the arm, and tell him Happy Father’s day and move on.  Dads are an important piece of the puzzle, they help you to become the person you are, as a Dad we are often over looked as a caregivers, I recall when my kids were little and I would watch the kids, and someone would always say oh you are babysitting, how nice.  Not the case, I am a Father and I was parenting my children, as my Father did for my brothers and I.  Parents do not babysit their own children.  For all the lessons taught both when I was a child and the lessons in life that you teach me now I thank you Dad and remember I love you.  Happy Father’s Day.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 16 roads

It has to be true I read it on the internet and heard it on the radio, Wisconsin has some worst roads in the country, ranked number 47th out of 50th.  I am not sure where these people are driving, I for one have driven on much worse roads than the roads here in Wisconsin.  Growing up in Minnesota the roads there are much worse.  My brother in law lives on a dirt road, to get to my parents you have to dodge pot holes that will swallow a car and like here there is road construction all the time.  I lived in Iowa where there were bigger pot holes than there are here.  I am thinking that it depended on where you drive on how you think the roads are.  If you only drive on Lang Drive everyday then your perspective is different than most.  There is talk in Wisconsin of toll roads, and gas tax, and a registration fee increase for your license.  I get that there are bad roads out there, but being at the bottom of list when it comes to driving conditions, I disagree, there are much worse.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 15 Packer Hat

Last winter my son saw the Packers wearing their cool camo winter hats, he asked for one, and received it for Christmas.  We looked around to get it and finally bought it from a company in Wisconsin.  We purchased it from, well after wearing it a few times the elastic in the headband was wrecked, he got it for Christmas 2015 and my January 15th I was contacting the company for exchange, they claimed it was not their fault and put me onto the company New Era Hats I contacted them, the customer service person there was amazing, she took my information and said send it back we will take a look and help you out.  I did just that.  Fast forward to yesterday, I was wondering about the winter hat that I sent back to the New Era Hat Company and called them, the customer service person was pleasant but couldn’t help me even though I had a trail of emails from both the companies involved.  Not that I am telling you not to use either of these companies, because I am not but I know for one I won’t be purchasing anything from either of these two companies ever again, and if you asked me I would suggest against it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 14 restaurants

Don’t get me wrong we have some of the greatest local restaurants in La Crosse but living in a smaller town we miss out on some of the restaurant chains that are out there, I really like to go to Noodles while traveling, I have seen the ads for Chili’s but I have never been, and I would like try them, also would like to try Sonic.  For a great sandwich I like eating at Pot Belly’s in Madison and Chicago, but also while in Chicago I love the pizza and the hot dogs.  The In and Out Burger was the hit of the trip last time I was in California.  Growing up I loved White Castle, Bridgemans, The Pizza Factory and Burger Chef.  Don’t get me wrong I love all the locally owned home cooking place that we have around here, and I do have my favorites.  But, what restaurant chain would you like to see come into the La Crosse area?  

Monday, June 13, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 13 shooting

In the four years that I have been doing this radio show, this isn’t the first time that I am writing about mass shootings on American soil, this isn’t the first time that many have been shot and killed at the hands of someone not mentally all there.  I am both sad and mad that someone could walk into a club and open fire.  It hurts me to see this happen.  Personally I feel as though this isn’t a gay issue or a gun issue this is a the shooter is crazy issue and that obviously he was out of his mind.  I don’t think that taking away people’s rights for bearing arms would have stopped this shooting or for that matter any shooting.  Maybe if we put more guns in the hands of regular folks, someone looking to shoot up a place may have second thoughts doing it.  I think when you buy a gun that education will help, I also feel that mental and welfare checks are important, and should be done, but how? 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 10 video

Have you ever been sucked right into a video?  A friend of mine posted a video on my facebook page about a homeless guy who gave up his brand new sleeping bag for someone else because the homeless man said that the other guy needed it more than him, and that he could do without.  I watched that video and had a weepy eye.  I think that sometimes we get wrapped up into our own little world of our own problems and don’t pay attention to the needs of the others around us.  I don’t know if it possible to open our eyes and start seeing the things that need to be changed around us.  Do you do as most of us do and walk by someone with their hand out?  I know that I do, and I am skeptical of someones bs story as well, however there are times that I do stop.  If you want to watch the video, here is the link, if not that is ok also.  Have a great day and keep cool.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 9 bear

I don’t know about you but when I saw the video of the black bear walking through a neighborhood on the south side of LaCrosse I was a bit concerned, but then I thought about it, I bet that there are a lot of other critters that are more dangerous than the black bear, let’s look at the everyday pests that are right here and in full force and in full view of us on a daily regular basis.  I am talking about the mice and rats that live in La Crosse, or the ticks, especially the deer ticks and the mosquito and the common house fly, all of these spread disease.  We can’t forget about the spiders and the also one that I like least of all the drug dealers in the city.  We have a lot more to fear than the black bear.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Daily Does of BS June 8 pick up

I know I talked about large item pick up last week, but this week I want to talk about trash and yard waste.  I live on the South Side of La Crosse and I drive by West and Adams at least one time every day.  There has been a pile of sticks sitting on that corner for at least 3 weeks and I would bet even longer than that.  I would think that someone who lives by there, or one of the businesses that are in the vicinity would bend over and pick up to put in the trash.  Also across from Gordy’s where the Johnny Aloha’s service used to be there is a caution work sign and holder just sitting on the street, like it got hit and then left, this has been here for at least a couple of days.  I get that this isn’t your job to pick it up, it isn’t mine either, but is me having this attitude part of the problem?  If we all keep looking past these issues, won’t the issues become bigger, and worse?  I have said it before and I will say it again, we need to keep our surroundings picked up and respectable. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 7 Clinton

Hillary Clinton clinches the nomination, becoming first woman to top a major party ticket, and Bernie Sanders is under no obligation to drop out.   Now with the presumed presidential candidates for both parties locked up, that means that everyone is happy right?  Ha, I think that the American voter is angrier now than they were before.  We are getting to be more of a polarized society than ever before as well.  I look at the way that we despise our neighbors and those that think different than us.  There are even those that think the same as us irritate us.  I have about 2 thousand “friends” on Facebook, and I would say about 45% are democrats, and 45% are republicans and about 10% are undecided.  And I have seen some posts saying if you support one candidate or another you will be unfriended.  I guess that if you get unfriended you really weren’t that good a friend now were you.  What people say and post online or rant and rave about in public isn’t going to pull an undecided voter in, I think that it will repel a perspective voter.  I guess I am ready to see the worst in people for the next few months.  

Monday, June 6, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 6 food disappeared

Ever had anything just disappear from your fridge?  I went out for Chinese food the other day and had a take-out container leftover.  I put it in my fridge and was looking forward to enjoying it when I got home from work on Friday afternoon.  I used to have to put my name on my leftovers in the fridge but as my kids got trained to not eat other people’s food in the fridge I didn’t have to do that anymore.  I don’t know what happened to that Chinese food as I saw it on Friday morning and by Friday midday it was gone.  I asked everyone in my house, including my son who doesn’t even live there if they grabbed the food and no body grabbed it.  Weird thing is that I looked in the garbage to see if someone accidently had thought it was trash or maybe ate it but lied to dad, but nope can’t even find the evidence that I was even at the Chinese restaurant.  Maybe I wasn’t there and maybe I didn’t have Chinese food, then again maybe I don’t have sunburn either.  Nope I got that.  Have a great day, and I hope that the mysterious food eater doesn’t stop by your house. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 3 things i do

I wanted to revisit a topic from before, one that made me smile, one that talks about the weird things and have weird habits that we have, for example I always grab 3 paper towels when drying my hands.  I also will say ouch when someone fake punches me, I check the fridge for new and different food even though I know there is only the same old stuff.  I will sometimes look into a window at the store to just to see if I can catch my reflection.  I put the music on my phone on shuffle but then hit skip until I find a song that I really want to hear.  I sit on the step in the kitchen to put on my socks, I have to reread things often because I wasn’t really paying attention when I read it the first time or sometimes even the second time.  When I sit down to watch tv at lunch I don’t start eating until the show is starting. I baby talk to babies and bark at dogs and finally I occasionally check to see if I can move things with your mind.  Are any of these things that you do?

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 2 last day of school

Is there too much pressure on students these days?  There was another school shooting yesterday this time in California at the UCLA campus.  I get that there is pressure on students to get good grades, but who does it ultimately fall back on?  That’s right the student.  Work harder, get better grades.  I think that it boils down to taking personal responsibility for your actions and reactions.  With that being said, today is the final day of school for local kids, some moving on to new schools in September others moving on to new careers and others just moving on.  I remember the huge dreams that I had as a kid the first few days of summer were spent planning out what great adventures that were going to be out there for me and my friends.  We always had huge plans, we were going to start our own lawn mowing business, and we were going to have fun camping trips, ride our bikes everywhere, and stay up all night.  I am sure we accomplished a few of those goals, but it never worked out quite how you had it planned.  That is ok, life doesn’t always turn out as planned, it turns out how you make it.  Kids, enjoy your summer and parents, let your kids live.  Be safe in all your adventures. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 1 trash

Is it just me or has La Crosse become more littered with trash?  I know we had the large trash pick-up over the past couple of weeks but it seems like we have more and more things just piled on the boulevards, and by the colleges it is worse.  There are also the junkers or pickers that comb through your trash in search for the ultimate treasure, and then leave the trash where it lands.  There are a few of the pickers that live on Jackson Street as you see their overflowing garbage spilling out of their half-assed trailers.  Isn’t there some sort of a beautification law in La Crosse where this garbage has a place and that place isn’t on one of the main thoroughfares in the city?  If you are going to be a picker, pick and clean up after yourself, if you are going to throw away big items put them out on trash day, or take them to the dump.  It is time that we pick up our community.