Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Daily Does of BS June 8 pick up

I know I talked about large item pick up last week, but this week I want to talk about trash and yard waste.  I live on the South Side of La Crosse and I drive by West and Adams at least one time every day.  There has been a pile of sticks sitting on that corner for at least 3 weeks and I would bet even longer than that.  I would think that someone who lives by there, or one of the businesses that are in the vicinity would bend over and pick up to put in the trash.  Also across from Gordy’s where the Johnny Aloha’s service used to be there is a caution work sign and holder just sitting on the street, like it got hit and then left, this has been here for at least a couple of days.  I get that this isn’t your job to pick it up, it isn’t mine either, but is me having this attitude part of the problem?  If we all keep looking past these issues, won’t the issues become bigger, and worse?  I have said it before and I will say it again, we need to keep our surroundings picked up and respectable. 

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