Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 1 trash

Is it just me or has La Crosse become more littered with trash?  I know we had the large trash pick-up over the past couple of weeks but it seems like we have more and more things just piled on the boulevards, and by the colleges it is worse.  There are also the junkers or pickers that comb through your trash in search for the ultimate treasure, and then leave the trash where it lands.  There are a few of the pickers that live on Jackson Street as you see their overflowing garbage spilling out of their half-assed trailers.  Isn’t there some sort of a beautification law in La Crosse where this garbage has a place and that place isn’t on one of the main thoroughfares in the city?  If you are going to be a picker, pick and clean up after yourself, if you are going to throw away big items put them out on trash day, or take them to the dump.  It is time that we pick up our community. 

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