Friday, March 29, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 29 Easter Candy

Each year, about 90-million chocolate Easter bunnies & 16-billion jelly beans are made... How many of each are nibbled on by sneaky parents on the sly after Easter?  I remember reading the comics and seeing how parents in the cartoons would eat the bunny ears.  I don’t recall my folks ever eating my chocolate bunny and I don’t recall what part of the bunny I would eat first.  I also don’t think I have ever eaten my kids chocolate bunnies.  I do take black jelly beans though, none of my kids like them.  I think my favorite all time Easter candy is the reses peanut butter egg, for some reason they taste even better than the peanut butter cup that is available the rest of the year.  What's your favorite treat to steal out of your kid's Easter basket?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 28 reading into stuff

Why do people like to argue and point out the flaws in others?  It seems as everyone is cynical, myself included.  I wonder why?  It seems as though people read into everything and try to turn nothing into something, and something good into something bad, and I don’t understand why people feel the need to do this.  We have all seen news story of some Good Samaritan doing something positive and then to immediately have the masses find fault.  You personally may have posted some good thoughts and have had people jump down your throat.  I have been chatting with some friends from around the country over my recent posts on facebook a few of my past posts have taken on lives of their own people read into your words and try to make it into something it isn’t.  I guess if you are going to cast the first stone, maybe you should pull the shades in your place.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 27 love

I think we can all agree that life is short.  Too short.  In fact it is so short and there is so much heartache and turmoil why should we fault or deny someone love?  Have you ever found true love?  Have you had the privilege of loving someone so much that you would do anything for them?  Most parents have this feeling the day make that the moment that their child came into their lives, as the child ages the love just grows.  Think back to your first moments of what brought that child into the world, the love that you and your partner felt.  The, I can't live without this person bond, you were able to create your family, you were able to wake up next to someone and have that feeling day in and day out.  The issue of gay marriage is big in the news these days, I don’t know why we should deny anyone that feeling of love that undying love of another person, the commitment if you will.  In 2002, Gallup polls asked Americans and the estimates were that 21% of men are gay and 22% of women are lesbians.  Don’t we all deserve love?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 26 woman bosses

Would you be able to have a boss of the opposite sex?  I wasn’t sure if I would, but I tell you what my boss and I work very well together.  Here is the thing I am not up for a raise or a talking to for messing up, but I heard from a few acquaintances how can you have a women boss?  Now do not take this the wrong way but she handles me better than I have been handled by a boss before, she listens to my concerns and works to fix them, she seems to care about me as a person my boss is great person, and an even better boss.  Don’t get me wrong I had some good bosses that were men, so I was worried about working for a woman, taking orders from a woman, reporting to a women, etc.  I will tell you what it makes life at work a whole bunch better when you love what you do and you like your boss.   I have had my boss for the past 3 years and it has been the best working environment I have had.  Would you be able to work successfully under a boss of a different gender?  

Monday, March 25, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 25 Christmas Syndrome

I think I have self-diagnosed myself with Christmas Syndrome, I did a search for it and the Urban Dictionary is the only place I can find anything close to what it is.  Here is their definition of the word Christmas Syndrome - When you are looking forward to something constantly, to the point of obsession, causing the actual event to seem short and dull in comparison.  Here is why I think I have it if I have to wait for the results for anything or a meeting with my boss or someone calls me and wants to get together to talk about something I worry about it or think about it.  It sometimes bugs me and I don’t know why.  I am thinking that most of it was brought on when I got canned a few years ago cause the boss called me into his office, and then when I broke my leg the Dr. says we will have to wait and see.  I wore my cast for 7 weeks then last week I had to have a cat scan on the leg, the few days wait was a killer, ya know it could have stemmed from when I was a kid and my mom would say wait till your dad gets home.  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 22 heres your sign

I have seen a few news stories about parents who made their children stand on a street corner or in front of a store holding up a sign saying something along the line of I did something wrong, I stole this, I broke the law, I got drunk, smoked pot etc. I have not seen any of these signs locally but they have been all the rage around the country. I think I like this punishment, it puts a face on the perpetrator and like a good punishment it will hopefully make the child think before they do said crime again. It has been compared to the new spanking, guess what when you get that whap on the butt you are more likely to think twice before you do the punishable action again. Sometimes I feel as though we as a society are too soft on our kids, I am glad to see some parents who feel strongly about helping to get their kids on the straight and narrow by having them admit their mistakes and hopefully learning from that mistake.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 21 dream job

We all have a dream job, a job that we have always wanted to do, your rock star job if you will. When I grew up I wanted to be one of 3 things, and I am doing one of those three jobs today. I wonder how many people actually do what it is that they wanted to do as a child? I found the right job for me early as I have been in the radio business since 1988, in fact I recall having conversation with my Dad about 15 years ago when we went out for breakfast after one of my shifts when he looked me in the eye and said Bob I am glad you found radio because your mother and I had no idea what you were going to do with your life. I have taken a few breaks thinking maybe I wanted to try something else, but the gravitational pull of radio was just too much. I look forward to my job each and every day as it is different every single day. You really have to love what you do to get up and be to work by 5am. Here’s hoping that you have the job, no career that you always wanted.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 20 clothing

Hi I’m Bob and I wear clothing that sometimes is offensive to people who see it, not that it says anything wrong but I like to dress for comfort.  I have been a wearer of Zubaz since the 80’s in fact I still have the first pair that I brought with a snake skin print.  They have lots of miles on them and have become cabin pants, I do have a couple more pair and have introduced them to my kids and 3 of the 4 wear them.  My question to you today is this, if you are out somewhere and your partner objects to what you are wearing would you change your clothing?  For me I am not too sure I would, I guess it depends on where we are going.  I did once turn a radio station shirt inside out when I was helping out with an event because it was sponsored by another radio station.  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 19 Pizza

Living in La Crosse we have a gem, a treatment, remedy, or cure for bland pizza.  I just read that the top pizza topping is pepperoni followed by mushrooms.  I had a girlfriend when I was in high school that only liked peperoni pizza she wouldn’t try any other kind and we had pizza a lot.  Needless to say we ate a lot of peperoni pizza; I ended up taking off the peperoni’s off and still continue with that practice.  When my Dad would go out of town for work my Mom would take my brothers and I to a place for taco pizza, what a great concept take two of my favorite foods and combine them, they did it with great success.  Fast forward a handful of years and while working in Mason City Iowa at a radio station one of the pizza places had a fake pizza call and they had an extra Canadian bacon, pineapple pizza and called the station to see if I wanted it.  I figured I love both ingredients what the heck, a new favorite pizza.  Bringing me to our local cure for bland pizza, have you tried any of the different concoctions of pizza that Pizza Doctors has to offer?  I still love the Hawaiian and the taco but have fallen in love with the spaghetti and meatball, the chili dog, the gyro, the Denver omelet and my favorite the skittle pizza.  I do miss the spam and beans za though.  What is your favorite pizza topping? 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 18 want it now

We are in a want it now society, I am just as guilty of it as the next guy.  I saw it in full force over the weekend.  My youngest son wants to get a remote control car because his buddy has one.  He did the research and started on the sales job to him Mom and me.  I tend to stand firm and do as my Dad always used to do, take a piece of paper and write down the positives and the negatives and you have to have at least one negative.  He did the work, did the sales and has the money.   What I don’t know is why these machines are so expensive and why would you need to have a remote control car that goes 60 mph?  I am proud of the fact that I got him to think about the purchase and the fact that he saved his money for this.  How many times have you had your eye caught by something and stopped and made the impulse buy?  From the grocery store to the convenience store to the department store, jewelry store and my downfall the electronics store.  We are a want it now society but we should also know that if we work hard that we can succeed at the purchase of what we want, either buy used, save up or go into debt.  Where do you fall?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 15 tsa knifes on a plane

I always thought you just needed the tip of a knife to kill someone.  About an inch and a half, but you know what I am ok with the new rules that will allow a pocket knife of up to 2 ½ inches that doesn’t lock.  I thought that that was always a dumb rule anyway, I don’t think that now-a-days you would get too far with a short knife.  I also thought the banning of fingernail clippers was ridiculous how are you supposed to  take over a plane with those?  Stop and let me into the cockpit or I will throw my dirty fingernails at you.  Speaking of fingernails, I find that when people cut their nails in public are rude, I was at church about 10 years ago when the person in front of me started cutting their nails, at church, what is wrong with people?  I guess I should be glad that they didn’t flip off their shoes and start on the little piggies.  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 14 smart products

Things are supposed to be getting easier but in some ways they are getting harder, take my new phone for example, the first phone I had well, was attached to a wall, but my first cell was the same shape as my new phone and it had one function, to make calls, then came the flip phone that, made calls, I then got a couple BlackBerrys now my new phone is way more than a phone.  Same goes for refrigerators they used to keep stuff cold now they do way more than that, I think the new ones have video screens on them.  They keep your food cold for crying out loud.  Are our household appliances getting too complicated? What are some of the hi-tech features you’ve never used (or maybe don’t even understand) on your dishwasher, refrigerator, clothes dryer, washing machine. What pretentious settings have you seen? (‘Reduced Grease’, ‘Allergy’, ‘Hand Wash’, etc).  How about this on, off buzz when finished.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 13 things my parents said

At this moment right now, you are the youngest that you will ever be, and at the exact same time you are the oldest you ever were.  You don’t know and you don’t even know that you don’t know.  Use your head for something other than to hold your glasses a place to put your hat.  What are some of the things that your parents used to say to you that you looked at them with that blank stare?   My parents had a ton of them like you can't make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.  Wants are unlimited and resources are scarce.  It seemed that there was always a saying to go with whatever it was that I was getting in to or doing.  Like when I was a kid I walked 10 miles to school uphill both ways in the snow, I guess I now know why I am the way I am the way I am, I was always told to quit or I will go blind and don’t make that face or it will stay that way.  I guess I should have listened better.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 12 killer dog

A 14-month-old Wisconsin boy has died after a brutal attack by a pair of pit bulls last week.  This is the first fatal dog attack in Wisconsin in a decade.  If anyone is killed by a dog it is too many.  I thought that dogs were supposed to be man’s best friend.  I have a springer spaniel and I bet that he would either lick, wag his tail or love you to death.   I am not sure why people train their dogs to be killers, unless you are up to no good.  I can see having a dog as a guard, and if there is a threat to the homeowner but to train a dog to go viciously after a child, that is a line that should never be crossed.  

Friday, March 8, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 8 cell phone

Cell phones are a huge part of our lives, yesterday I upgraded my life, ok I upgraded my phone.  I went from a Blackberry which is the type of phone I have been using for the past 4 years, it was easy for me to type since it had buttons for texting.  Yesterday I entered the unknown when I switched over to the Galaxy 3 and so far so good.  I have had a chance to play with my kids tablet and this is a lot like that.  I have successfully answered it when it rang, I have made a call and texted on it, so, so far so good.  I downloaded a few games and apps yesterday as well.   I have no idea what kind of apps are out there and how these apps can help to simplify my life, so if you know of any gotta have apps please let me know, also is there a better than the supplied facebook app that is out there please let me know.  Now I got to remember my ring tone, and how to answer it without asking my kids what do I do now?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 7 tipping

I know I have talked about tipping more than once in the past, but I just saw a national story about where a guy ordered 85 pizzas and only tipped 10 bucks.  Wow.  I must say that I ordered 8 pizzas for my twins’ birthday party and I tipped 10 bucks.  You are hearing more and more of people stiffing the wait staff, and this bugs me, not that we need to tip everything out there because we don’t but we should toss a bit to the people who go above and beyond.  If someone brings you food you should tip them, and I am not just talking about at a restaurant.  If someone brings you food to your table at home, you should not take them for granted.  If you work at a job that is not a service related industry you may not get tips, but I bet you make more than the below minimum wage that the server at Lenny’s gets, and if you have this big job, I bet that you get compensated for what you do and I bet that you get a bonus of some sorts, either vacation, or sick days or insurance or a 401k or cash or a combo of all or most.  Think about the person waiting tables or bringing you food, chances are they are not getting the perks you are and the extra pay that you have been taking for granted.  Reach deep and tip right.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 6 patients death

I thought if you worked in health care, as a doctor or a nurse that your job was to work directly with patients and their families. I also thought that a nurse was the primary point of contact between the patient and the world of health care.  I also thought that the job of a nurse was to perform frequent patient evaluations, including monitoring and tracking vital signs, performing procedures such as IV placement, phlebotomy (draw blood), and administering medications.  I really thought that the job of a nurse was to work to keep a patient alive.  I guess I thought that would be the job of any caring person.  When I saw and heard the stories from earlier this week about the 87 year old nursing home patient that died back in February while she was a patient in the care of a nursing home, she died because a nurse there refused to give cpr that bugs me and bugs me more than usually things bug me.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 5 thank you

I am lucky I have great friends who help me out all the time; especially since I broke my leg I have needed more help than I usually do.  I am sure I have forgotten to say please and thank you.  I think this starts when we are little, asking Mom or Dad for this that and the other thing, as a Dad I try to remind my kids to say thanks, I even try to each and every time that something is delivered to the table when out to eat.  I believe that when you are polite to people it disarms them, if they are crabby and you say please or thank you, you have them in your hand.  The power of polite I believe is huge and for that I thank you for spending the time to read this, and for all those who have helped me in the past and I forget to say thank you for that I am sorry.  Have a great day. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 4 weekend

How was the weekend?  I enjoyed the days off and rested for the most part with my leg up.  I got some bad news on Friday that the fibula that I broke on February 2 shifted and now I can't put any weight on my leg.  I am a big man and to not put any weight on my leg is pretty much impossible.  I’ve been trying though.  The bright spot is the knee scooter I got, zipping around without having to use crutches makes it a bit easier.  On Saturday I emceed the Rocking Out Hunger, we have lots of great local bands and two of the best took the stage Saturday, The Executives and The Remainders, I got to rock the Cow Bell for The Executives, my Mom would be proud.  While BS’ing with some friends who were there they explained how some idiot passed the stopped school bus in front of their house and thank goodness the kids were kids and taking their time to get off the bus, if it would have been a few seconds later things could have tragically different.  I am guessing it was someone texting they looked up saw the stopped cars and thought what to do, slid around the cars and could have killed a couple of kids.  You got to ask yourself is your text worth a life?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 1 Sleep

I won.  I won the game of sleep.  I went to bed last night when I was tired, fell right asleep and made it through the night, the game winner was I woke up one minute before my alarm.  I felt rested, and ready to take on the day.  To be honest, I do not remember the last time that I had the trifecta of sleep, bed when I wanted a full night without waking up and up right before my alarm.  I really should buy a lottery ticket today cause a good night sleep is the foundation of a great day right?  Which makes me think about sleep, we all need it but rarely do we get all that we need, I went to bed last night right before 9 and woke at 4, 7 full hours of uninterrupted sleep, most of the time I shoot for 5-6 hours.  Do you have a sleep ritual?  I start on my back then lay on my right side then to my left this is before I even drift off to slumber, I have no idea how much tossing I do when I am actually asleep.  I just have to remember what I did last night to cause such a great nights sleep.