Monday, June 6, 2016

Daily Dose of BS June 6 food disappeared

Ever had anything just disappear from your fridge?  I went out for Chinese food the other day and had a take-out container leftover.  I put it in my fridge and was looking forward to enjoying it when I got home from work on Friday afternoon.  I used to have to put my name on my leftovers in the fridge but as my kids got trained to not eat other people’s food in the fridge I didn’t have to do that anymore.  I don’t know what happened to that Chinese food as I saw it on Friday morning and by Friday midday it was gone.  I asked everyone in my house, including my son who doesn’t even live there if they grabbed the food and no body grabbed it.  Weird thing is that I looked in the garbage to see if someone accidently had thought it was trash or maybe ate it but lied to dad, but nope can’t even find the evidence that I was even at the Chinese restaurant.  Maybe I wasn’t there and maybe I didn’t have Chinese food, then again maybe I don’t have sunburn either.  Nope I got that.  Have a great day, and I hope that the mysterious food eater doesn’t stop by your house. 

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