Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 10

You’ve seen the Seinfeld episode where George Costanza eats a snickers bar with a fork and a knife right.  Yesterday afternoon I was at a joint meeting with the La Crosse Area Business Club and the Onalaska Area Business Association and I was sitting next to one of our members who was eating a chocolate covered strawberry with a knife and a fork.  Which made me think of other strange things that we have seen over the course of being at different places, I have seen many people use a paper towel at a restroom in order to open the door, people use straws to drink out of a can, eat a tootsie roll by holding on to the paper to pop it into their mouth.  I have some weirdnesses too ask my kids, friends and family.  For one it took me a long time to be able to bring my kids into a public restroom, I hated that they wanted to touch everything, I am ok with it now, but it took me a couple of years.  We all have our weird stuff and it is ok to be different, celebrate who you are and be proud of your differences.  

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