Friday, October 19, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 19

Expectations, we all have them for everything from how our day goes, to dealing with people to your day at work, school and home.  Here are a couple of expectations that have been blown apart at least for me, we have all seen movie trailers and have had friends tell us about which movie that you have to see, if “the” have to see movie of the year has a trailer that you liked, you plop down the money for the ticket, get your popcorn and pop and head into the theater to watch the flick only to be disappointed 9 out of ten times at the movie choice, I think part of it has to do with the buildup in your mind of the movie, either that or the only good parts were in the trailer.  Another disappointment that comes to mind is when you make or go out for dinner and order something either new or a returning favorite and for some reason it doesn’t make the cut either something got overdone or an ingredient was missing or your taste buds changed or something just isn’t right with the meal.  There are other expectations that fall thru the cracks regularly too like expecting a candidate to follow through with their promises.    

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