Monday, October 15, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Oct 15

The robo calls are coming the robo calls are coming.  I am not being chicken little but the robo calls are coming, election day is 22 days away.  I don’t know about you but we have less phones around the house than we used to, I believe we have 4, one in basement, one upstairs and 2 on the main floor.  The phones are like the remotes and the keys at my house, you set them where they are supposed to be and they migrate, and hid under things, like sofa cushions, under the blankets that drape over the chairs, in the fridge, I am still scratching my head on that one.  I did many years ago put the ice cream in the cupboard so I guess the phone in the fridge is not that big a stretch.  When the home phone used to ring back in the day everyone would jump to answer it, now when it rings no one moves even if the phone is right next to them it just rings and rings and rings, and if someone is inclined to pick up the phone they look at it see who it is and 9 of ten times don’t even answer.  What has the world of communications come to?  We jump over hurdles to text with someone and if we forget our phone at home our day is ruined, I have forgot to grab my phone a few mornings and most of the day I am worried about who I missed calls and texts from.  Guess what there are days I don’t even get calls or texts, I really don’t know what I am missing.  

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