Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 31

There are a lot of things to talk about today from the travel ban to the amount of people who are so tied up in the political hate to the Len Bias law.  I don’t know where to start.  I think I am going to piss about half off by saying Trump won get over it.  You can’t hate that much, can you?  (So you know if Clinton would have won I would be writing the same thing) The election is over the cards are played and there is no reason to lose friends over the already divided landscape of America.  We should all work on trying to build the bridges of our friends, our families and our communities.  There is a political divided in Washington DC but does there need to be a political divide in La Crosse Wisconsin?  I don’t believe so, we can work toward change instead of protesting everything.  On to the Len Bias law, do you think that the drug dealer should be charged with homicide when someone overdoses on the drug sold?  And if so should it go right up the drug ladder to the top with each person charged with homicide?  And if we do this is it like charging Hersey Chocolate for each person who ends up with diabetes or fat? 

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