Monday, January 23, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 23 swearing at work

I read in the La Crosse Tribune yesterday, an article, that says swearing is just fine in the workplace.  I don’t know about your work place but at mine it is considered unacceptable.  Don’t get me wrong there is swearing that goes on at work, and sometimes it happens on the air, hell sometimes I even slip, but the words that are said on the air are the G or the PG of the swear words.  I have accidently said Schmidt on a shingle when talking about favorite breakfast foods, and one time when I was first in radio I let the granddaddy of all swear words slip off mike and far enough away but still it made an impression to not say that word in the studio.  Words really are important and help people to decide if they want to listen to you.  There are even some studies out there that say it is ok to swear and when you do you are above average intelligence. (as a person who knows my way around the swear word I am not sure I believe this, But)  When it comes to words, I don’t care for slang words for any group of people, I am not a fan of labels that people place on people, we have to remember they are words, and my mom always said that sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.  What words do you dislike?  

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