Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Daily Dose of BS Jan 11 presidential

As we are getting ready to turn the page on American history as we say good bye to the first African American President and hello to a president who has had no background in politics except for donating to campaigns and parties to get things done for his businesses.  Are we ready to look back at the last eight years and think about the good and the bad?  I can honestly say that in the Obama presidency that I have had my career worst day and my career worst day.  I have seen the stock market make money and lose money, I have seen people at the top of their game and people at their worst.  There have been times that I wondered what the heck is going on and then how cool is this.  I guess what I am trying to say is that even though one President is getting ready to step aside, a person who if you remember was a pot stirrer and another person who is a pot stirrer getting ready to take over, that we are better off than we were 8 years ago, I worried about the next 4 years, no not at all.  Because we always find a way to persevere, a way to succeed, and always find a way to show the strength of our country.  God bless America. 

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