Thursday, March 7, 2013

Daily Dose of BS March 7 tipping

I know I have talked about tipping more than once in the past, but I just saw a national story about where a guy ordered 85 pizzas and only tipped 10 bucks.  Wow.  I must say that I ordered 8 pizzas for my twins’ birthday party and I tipped 10 bucks.  You are hearing more and more of people stiffing the wait staff, and this bugs me, not that we need to tip everything out there because we don’t but we should toss a bit to the people who go above and beyond.  If someone brings you food you should tip them, and I am not just talking about at a restaurant.  If someone brings you food to your table at home, you should not take them for granted.  If you work at a job that is not a service related industry you may not get tips, but I bet you make more than the below minimum wage that the server at Lenny’s gets, and if you have this big job, I bet that you get compensated for what you do and I bet that you get a bonus of some sorts, either vacation, or sick days or insurance or a 401k or cash or a combo of all or most.  Think about the person waiting tables or bringing you food, chances are they are not getting the perks you are and the extra pay that you have been taking for granted.  Reach deep and tip right.  

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