Friday, January 11, 2013

Daily Dose of BS Jan 11 celebrate

I am not against prayer, I did get embarrassed when I was a kid and out to eat when my folks would say a prayer before eating but at home it didn’t bother me.  I think the reason it bugged me as a kid was that it drew attention to us as being different.  Now we as a society celebrate differences, as long as the differences are what we believe in or what we see as normal.  I am willing to bet that someone who stands up for someone who wants to pray in a public place is not the same person who will stand up for the right to have a ritualistic branding.  It is kind of funny that even though we are saying we are an open and free society, that we are all brothers and sisters, we should come together and celebrate our differences but then point out what makes us different.  I think that we are becoming more a polarizing society than we were before, there are democrats and republicans, Christians and atheists, meat eaters and vegetarians, gays and straights.  Within each of the above groups there are many great people but there are also many zealots.  If we truly are a society that wants to get along, open your eyes and your hearts.

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