Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Daily Dose of BS March 13

I heard on the news this morning that men who indulge in sugary pop or other sugary drinks increase their risk of heart attacks by 20%. I have also heard “If 100 drivers cause auto accidents, and they all ate carrots just prior to those accidents, that does not prove that eating carrots causes auto accidents.” I think you can slant anything, words can be twisted to say what you want, any data collected can be spun into just about anything you want it to say or prove. Do you want proof of that? Your proof is every time you turn on a news channel during an election year. How many sound bites have we heard or seen of a candidate taking the exact same info and make it say exactly what it is that they want it to say. After being in the media for so many years, I am a bit leery of absolutes, as there are very few of them unless of course you are in the liquor store then there are at least 13.

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