Thursday, October 6, 2016

Daily Dose of BS Oct 6 Obamacare

President Bill Clinton said what a lot of Americans have been thinking for a long time.  Clinton criticized President Barack Obama's signature policy reform Monday calling Obamacare "the craziest thing in the world."  Here’s the deal, a lot of the big insurers are backing out and premiums are going up I have heard over 60% in places. The fix?  Raise the penalty in an effort to FORCE people to buy insurance.  On paper I would think that it would work and would lower the premiums for the masses, but we just aren’t seeing it we are seeing the cost of health care heading even higher.  I feel as though we are lucky living here with two great hospitals and access to some of the best care in the country but at what cost?  And how about the subsidies?  How do they work, or do they?   Has anyone’s health care gone down since this started? 

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