Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Daily Dose of BS July 8 right to die

If you are terminally ill and in pain and you’re not going to get better not even with a miracle, why can’t you decide to die?  I think that it is inhumane to keep people alive when someone is terminal and wants to die, it is costing the families and the insurance companies millions of dollars, let people die with dignity.  No one wants to remember their loved ones last few months being hooked up to ventilators and having wires coming out of here and there.  When a patient is beyond a point, inches from death, allow them to go in peace, in their own terms.  I love life and enjoy living but, when it comes to pain and knowing that there is no positive outcome, wouldn’t it be easier and better for a the patient to be allow to administer a final dose?

1 comment:

  1. I agree absolutely. Life and death questions should always remain issues that each person must decide on their own; no government should have the right to tell us otherwise (unless mitigating circumstances should prevail, like mental instability issues, etc.)
