Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Dec 18 Guns

I think we need more gun control because it has clearly worked in the war on drugs.  I know that when we make something illegal that we no longer do it or want it look at how well prohibition worked.  You can't buy Sudafed for a cold without a note from your mommy, but if you are using it for something illegal you can get as much of it as you want.  Some fireworks are illegal in Wisconsin and Minnesota and we never ever see any of the illegal ones lit off do we.  How about crack, meth, cocaine, heroin, and you can't forget about marijuana I am sure that making those illegal made them more difficult to obtain, right.  If we make guns illegal the law abiding citizens won't have them to protect or to hunt, but I bet that the criminal element has a guy that they could get one if they need.  If we start tightening down on guns the people who are selling legally, and obtaining them legally I think that would be a slippery slope.  What about video games, they are so real now a days, what happened to Donkey Kong, Pac Man and Tron?  I think that the child of today has been desensitized to the killing of characters on the video games that they have no issues with the real thing.  Maybe we should look into this.

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