Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 6

Its almost 2012 and I finally did it.  I stepped up and into the 21st century.  I have had a cell phone for at least the past 12 years.  A couple years ago I got a Blackberry and internet on my phone.  I have always just talked on the phone with people since I am a radio guy after all.  Why not talk that is what a phone is for right.  I used the Blackberry for emails for my home business and to correspond with friends and family with emails.  Why would I need to text right…enter life with a teenager.  You need to text have any contact with your teens since talking on the phone takes to long.  Um no, it takes less time but when I took typing in High School, I thought to myself when the hell am I going to type, I want to be a radio person and they just talk, and with typing it took so long…glad I learned to type first off cause I have such poor penmanship that I cant read my own writing, and I type more for my job then I care to think about.  So the short of it is, I took the plunge and if it takes me a while to text ya back or I don’t have the text lingo down…sorry.  It may take awhile to teach this old dog new tricks but I am trying.  Now if I can just remember where I put the damn thing.  Have you seen my phone?  Seriously I forgot it at home today…

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