Thursday, June 18, 2015

Daily Dose of BS June 18 crime

I woke up this morning listening to the news about a hate crime with 9 dead in South Carolina, we hear about crime almost every time we turn on the radio, the tv or open the newspaper.  I hosted the La Crosse Areas Crimestoppers public forum last night and was pleasantly surprised to hear that the 9 groups represented on the panel all work well together.  I was happy to hear that there is plenty of collaboration between many of the communities and their local police departments.  I heard that many of the police departments are pushing their police officers to get out and meet the people of their communities, to work with the different neighborhood organizations.  I was also happy to hear about ongoing training in the different departments.  Onalaska Chief Trotnic said the city has the broken window approach, that if a broken window remains broken, there soon are many broken windows and pretty soon something nice is no longer nice, but if the window gets replaced quickly,  it doesn’t have a negative impact.   We all need to work together to make our communities stronger. 

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