Monday, January 26, 2015

Daily Dose of BS Jan 26 vape smokes

When the smoking ban was first introduced in the state of Wisconsin I was against it.  I was a smoker for much of my adult life (I have not smoked since August 29th 2007) and damn it I am not going to have my government tell me what I can or cannot do.  Well that stand softened once it became law, in fact I think I hit up the bar more frequently now than before because it was nice to come home and not have to strip off the stinky clothes.  In Madison they are no talking about doing the same with the vape cigarettes and making them illegal indoors, and guess what I agree.  I understand that these are only water vapor or steam but I don’t want to smell it.  I get offended when I see someone walking through the grocery store puffing away at their vape pen.  You don’t like walking through my sneeze do you? 

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