Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Feb 25 dumber

Do you think we are dumber now than we used to be? Here is why I ask, when I was a kid I had every single one of my friends phone numbers memorized, my aunt and uncles numbers, my grandmas number and my Dads work number all committed to memory, now a days most people don’t even remember their own cell phone number not to mention someone else’s. I also remember writing a paper for school and not knowing how to spell a word, asking my Mom how to spell it she told me to grab the dictionary to look it up, I had no clue how to even spell it so I called the Library and asked. Now if we don’t know something we head to Google and our buddy there will tell us. Do you think that Google has made us dumber or more reliant on technology rather than trying to figure things out on our own?

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