Monday, November 12, 2012

Daily Dose of BS- Veterans Day / Snow Fall

I saw it driving in this morning, there is not much but we can now say it is here.  I am glad that I am already at work as today as if we get any that sticks around, we will have many people acting like they have never seen it, never been in it, never driven in it, you know I am talking about the first snow fall, while the snow that I saw was like diamonds shimmering in the light of my headlights, with no accumulation, thank goodness.  With the rain from yesterday and the rapid cool down last night, I had a slippery deck this morning, I am glad that my oldest warned of it last night, not that I wouldn’t have seen it but the out loud mention last night made me aware of it this morning.  Yesterday I was thinking of the veterans in my life from my Grandfather to my Father to my Uncles and brother-in-law to many of my friends’ including many who are active now, thank you for your service to our county, thank you for your sacrifice of time, so that we can be free, and live in this awesome country.   Yesterday was  Armistice Day (which overlaps with Remembrance Day and Veterans Day) is celebrated every year on 11 November to commemorate the end of World War One on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” , Thank you.

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