Monday, November 19, 2012

Daily Dose of BS Nov 19 Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, there are no expectations, there is good food, football, friends and family.  This week I would like to focus on things that I am thankful for as often here I point out things that I am not too fond of.    I first and foremost am thankful and proud of my family, they are the people who put up with me at my worst, because they are truly the ones that see the good, the bad and the ugly.  For my family thank you and I love you.  My friends are next on the list for many of the same reasons, we may hold back a bit around them, but they pretty much know who you are and what you stand for, these are people with a choice, they choose to be with you, where your family is kind of stuck, friends are the people who choose to hang out with us, so thank you for putting up with my BS and for being a friend, it means so much.  My neighbors are next on the list, when you move into a new neighborhood you really have no idea what you are getting into, from the old man across the street to the couple and their kids next door, to my single neighbor down the street, to my buddy across the alley I wouldn’t trade who live by me for the world, neighbors take care of where we live, look after each other, and take pride in where they live.  And finally I thank my listeners you have a choice, and you choose to give me a moment of your life, a chance to share a story or a laugh.  Happy Thanksgiving week.  

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