Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Daily Dose of BS July 17

If you listened to any radio over the weekend, you may have heard that the credit card companies are now going to allow stores to pass on the 3% usage fee to the customer.  Now correct me if I am wrong, isn’t that cost already being passed on to us as the cost of business?  I guess I can honestly say this right now that I for one will try not to spend my money with businesses that are adding the credit card fees to my bottom line.  I can say as of right now this is how I feel, but in the grand scheme of things, I hope that this fails miserably and falls back on the credit card companies and every business that implements this outrageous fee, unless of course they drop the fees straight across the board for all the prices at the store for people who pay cash.  I can say this now but will most likely it will be about as meaningful as a celebrity saying that they will move from the country if x is elected, I don’t recall anyone of these loud mouthed celebrities moving from the county.  If they did move would we miss them, most likely not but if we all complain about this, maybe just maybe we can make a difference.   

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