Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Daily Dose of BS July 24

A six year old is among the 12 dead, I am sickened by the fact that this monster James Holmes went in guns blazing to a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, last Friday in Aurora Colorado.  This is unacceptable, a travesty, a horrible chain of events.  I am not claiming to be a great parent, we all have our own situations that we have to deal with as a parent but I don’t think that I would have brought my 6 year old or my 4 year old to a movie at midnight.  Especially to The Dark Knight Rises, these movies are made for an older crowd; a crowd that understands what it going on.  I sometimes get questioned by my own kids when we are watching things if they are real (and they are older than six), and when you see things that are in the movies that are presented as real we sometimes get caught up in the “realness” events, then bringing your kids to a midnight showing which is way past the bed time of a typical 6 year old.  I am not trying to start anything with this especially with 71 people shot and 12 dead, but don’t you think that having kids at that young age in the movie theater is inappropriate.  I am angry, actually mad as hell that this happened, just like the rest of the nation but come on there is a reason that Bambi isn’t playing at midnight, it is not a movie show time for kids.   

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