Monday, July 16, 2012

Daily Dose of BS July 16

Do we give in to our kids too much; are we taking too much crap from our kids?  Are the inmates running the asylum?  I see it at my house and at others around, when I misbehaved I got the look and if that didn’t work I got the threat of wait until your father gets home.  That was about all it took, I am sure I was a good kid, not like the many that are running all over their parents now.  I am not pointing fingers at least not too much but when was the last time you saw a kid ask either mom or dad for something heard the parent say no and then the kid turns on the tears, attitude, and anger only to have mom or dad give in to the kid.  It kind of makes me a bit mad to see this, because what is this teaching these kids, that if they have a fit they will get what they want.  I am sorry to burst your bubble kid but that is not going to work once you get in life.  In fact I am not against punishment for misbehaving, I am not saying beat your child or even raise your hand but what is wrong with a few days break from the tv, computer, gaming system or even a day or two off of spending time with friends.  I feel we need to get our lives back and it can start at home, getting respect from our kids.  It really does hurt to see a kid walk all over their care giver, parents do your kids and yourself a favor and take back the house. 

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