Monday, February 8, 2016

Daily Dose of BS Feb 8 ID's

Last time I was at the cell phone store I had to sign in and show my I.D., even though I knew the guy working.  Hard to believe but when buying a case of beer a few weeks ago I had to show my I.D.  I got pulled over a couple of months ago, guess what, I had to show my I.D.  Check writing, which I don’t do much of but still I.D., get on a plane, rent a car, a hotel room or a house, you need an I.D.  When I bought Sudafed I needed an I.D.  It is pretty clear to me that you need an I.D. for just about everything you do, oh wait everything but to vote, that changes this year in Wisconsin.  Do I think it is a bad idea?  No.  Why would I?  There are people who will complain that showing an I.D. will stop certain people from voting, now personally I wouldn’t want that but I did some research and you need to have a photo I.D. to apply for food stamps, welfare and unemployment.  I am just saying that I would guess that most adults have an I.D. and if they don’t there are programs out there that will help someone get one.  

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