Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Daily Dose of BS May 19 dumb things

Some stupid things that lots of us do; don’t save enough, foolishly spend on things we don’t need, don’t spend enough time with our families, don’t prioritize our lives, don’t give enough time for ourselves and our mental wellbeing.  There are hundreds of things that we do on a regular basis that most just roll their eyes at or think what a dumbass.  One of the trends that I have been noticing more and more is the idiots who text and drive, and I am not talking about the quick glance down at the phone while at a stop light, but the person who is obviously carrying on a conversation via text with someone while driving.  If you want to be a dummy don’t do it while I’m on the road or anyone else.  Here is an idea, have everyone who gets busted texting and driving do it on a race track going 55 miles per hour and see if they can do it without crashing.  

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