Monday, May 18, 2015

Daily Dose of BS May 18th time

Time slips through your fingertips at an alarming rate.   Ever really thought of it, you are younger than you will ever be at this moment, but at the same time you are the oldest you have ever been.  Every day we have 24 hours to do what we need to do, 24 hours to make a difference, the choices that you make today, will make a difference in your future.  Kind of a weird thing to think about it, but our time is limited.  We have all lost some loved ones in our past, and will lose more in the future, it is sad to think, but we are limited to the amount of time we have here, and we all have things in our lives that wastes time.  I am guiltier of wasting time than most.  I really enjoy watching tv, and spend hours every week watching the tube.  I also spend time taking naps, and drinking beer too.  What are your biggest wastes of time?

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