Thursday, May 1, 2014

Daily Dose of BS May 1 minumum wage

There will always be poverty and always be exorbitant wages, I will always be closer to the first. The Minimum wage hike was shot down in the Senate yesterday. And even though I am closer to the minimum wage than a decent wage I for one am glad, let me explain myself. If the wage goes up to 10.10 an hour like they are calling for, everything else will also go up, how are the businesses going to recoup that wage, either raise prices or let people go. If the wage goes up and the cost of goods and services goes up then wouldn’t the cost of living go up and with the cost of living going up won’t that push the poverty level back up to wherever the minimum wage hike is? I also look at it this way if you are working an entry level job and you have been there for 10 years and you worked yourself up to 10.25 an hour now a new person comes in and is making 10.10 an hour only 15 cents less than you are after learning and doing the job for 10 years, it hardly seems fair. I think that the businesses here need to step up dig in to the profit and pay better and not have the government tell them what to pay. They should bump the pay on their own.

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