Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Daily Dose of BS May 28 do you trust your phone

Do you trust your phone? There are more and more covert aps that are on the market and people are using them to spy on each other. I don’t think I have too much to hid but this bothers me, would I like if someone knows where I am 24/7? Not at all there are something’s that we need to do that don’t need prying eyes. I have had a few guests on in the past talking about cyber stalking but this phone stalking to me takes it to a new level, like a constant eye, and I don’t like it. We are already telling the world where we are and when we are not at home but to have someone actually know that you are in the dairy food isle at the grocery store, enough is enough. Now I am not sure if I trust my phone.

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