Thursday, February 28, 2013

Daily Dose of BS Feb 28 pot smoking

There seems to be more drugs on sitcoms, when they had that “70’s show” and the camera that rotated in the circle of smoke, there were some funny things said, they never really talked about the smoking of pot but it was assumed especially once they brought in Tommy Chongs character.  Plus the 70’s to me seemed like the time when they did more pot.  Fast forward to some of the biggest sitcoms of today and there is the pot once again, in the tv show that I find the funniest “How I met your Mother” they always reference it as eating a sandwich but on the highly inappropriate for kids “Two and a half men” it is blatant and is smoked by more than one of the characters.  Not that I am a prude cause I don’t think I am but, I also believe that these tv shows shouldn’t make light of smoking pot because it is illegal.  Here is the twist, I think that marijuana should be legalized our country is in serious debt, and I believe that we will never get out of this debt and I think that the taxes from marijuana alone could make a huge dent in that debt.  

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