Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Daily Dose of BS Feb 12 dog eats spinach

When I was growing up I never had any animals except for a couple of turtles, and a few fish and the turtle choice surprises me as I look back because they really smelled.  In my adult life I have had two dogs, the first was Jake and I really didn’t mind walking him until one day one of my smart alex friends said hey look its Jake and the fat man.  Paying homage to the tv show of the same name I guess.  My current dog is a great dog; he is a loyal companion and loves the kids.  It’s funny when we got the dog I said to the kids there will be three rules, number one the dogs name will be dog, a friend suggested d-o-g, number two I won't walk the dog that will be your guys’s job and thirdly I will not ever clean up the doggie mess.   Guess what none of those rules held, when we got the dog he already had a name, I don’t mind walking him, and have you ever got kids to pick up poop?  If you want it done, lots of time you gotta do it yourself.  Last night I dropped some spinach and my goofy dog ate it, now if you drop chips or cereal on the ground my four legged friend won't touch it oh no, but I have seen him eat broccoli, carrots and now spinach, don’t get me wrong he likes most stuff we drop on the ground as long as it has meat on it but the veggie thing really surprised me.   

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