Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Daily Dose of BS Feb 20 pain

We have all been to the doctor’s office and seen the pain scale faces up on the wall.  I just don’t get it.  Not that I don’t understand, but how do you rate your pain.  I have taken my kids to the doctor with sore throats before and for them it is a nine or a ten, for me it has always been a one or a two at the most.  I broke my leg a couple of weeks ago and when I was checking in to urgent care they were taking my vitals and the nurse pointed to the wall and the infamous smiley to sad face chart of pain.  For me the pain was a 4 or a 5 and that is because I walked on it.  When I cut my finger tip off it was a 1 or a 2.  I guess when I am thinking of a sad face with a few tears it would be getting shot in the junk with a nail gun right in to the bone of your leg then trying to take that nail out with a kids sized claw hammer, then and maybe only then would we have a ten.  I hope to God that I never have to experience that kind of pain, the closest I got was about a six, two days after I got my cast one of my kids accidently banged the bottom of my broken leg foot when I had it out of the cast icing it.  It kind of brings up the sad faced teary eyes just thinking of that. 

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