Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Daily Dose of BS May 24 adhd

I remember the conversation well, not the date, not the situations that lead up to it, but the words that came from my Dad.  My Dad and I went out for breakfast many years ago after I got off the air, we had the usual small talk that happens when you are sitting with your parents, the small talk that leads up to the big talk.  Well the small talk didn’t take long that day it was mostly I listened to your show this morning, it was good.  Then he jumped into the big talk of your mother and I were glad that you got into radio because we honestly had no idea what you were going to do for a living.  I laughed, and still laugh at it to this day when I think about it.  I am sure that he was referring to the fact that my attention span isn’t very long.  I have often wondered if they had ADHD when I was a kid if I would have been assigned that label.  I for one am glad that they didn’t.   About 11% of U.S. children have been diagnosed with ADHD, and it affects about 5% of U.S. adults.  Here is a good test, squirrel.  Did you look?  I did. 

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