Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Daily Dose of BS Oct 9 stop bullying

October is anti-bullying month. I think we have all experienced bullying in some form or another, what starts sometimes as good natured ribbing can turn into the worst experience to that point for a kid and can be a stressor for that child. We all give our siblings and our friends a hard time, but once in a while that hard time keeps up and the line gets crossed, that is when it is considered bullying, we picture the bully to be the hard ass kid from down the street, but in fact it can be anyone from a brother and sister, to your parents, to friends, family, teachers and bosses. Here is how to define bullying its Intentional- aggressive and a deliberate attempt to hurt another person, it is repeated- over time to the same person or group of people and there is a power imbalance- the person bullying has more physical or social power than the child or children being bullied. Lets stop the bullying.

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