Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Daily Dose of BS Oct 2 no labels

Not sure if this is possible or even probable but to me it makes sense. Why not take away the labels? I know there are die hard Democrats and die hard Republicans, why not take the names away and vote on the person and what they believe in? This way we are voting in the best person, not the person having the label we like the best? It is so funny to me that we are all quick to jump down someone's throat for labeling someone different than us something, but here we are labeling each other and labeling our politics. I have voted for people from each party, I vote more for the way I feel a person will govern our great country, rather than a label that was thrust upon that politician. SO if we throw away the parties and let the politicians wear their colors on their sleeves I am guessing that we could all reach across the political aisle and be friends with and agree with each other more. I am also guessing that there are lots of people who agree with a thing or two about what this that or the other politician believe but are afraid to look because of the label.

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