Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Daily Dose of BS Oct 15 texting and driving

Here we go again. Another reminder of people breaking the law. Heard a report that 80% of college students are texting and driving and about 50% of adults are also. I have to admit that I sometimes do too. I won’t for the most part but every once in a while I will speak to my text to talk to send off a quick message. I will also occasionally when at a stoplight glance at my phone to check what is going on. I have tried to put it away and not text, but sometimes the draw to know what is going on in the inner circle is too much the draw. I have a friend who traded in his semi smart phone for an old school phone to get rid of the temptation. You used to only see young people glancing down at their crotch and smiling but now you are seeing lots of people doing so, I even saw a senior citizen looking down and laughing the other day, but maybe they were happy it was just a fart.

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