Monday, April 25, 2011

Daily Dose of BS April 25

I have to admit it I love ham.  That is why Easter dinner is so delicious to me.  My dad and step mom joined my family of six for Easter dinner yesterday.  I made the meal.  We had ham, homemade twice baked potatoes, the green bean casserole with durkee French fried onions, and rolls.  As I mentioned I like ham so I bought a bigger than needed ham hoping to get some “planned overs” after the big meal.  I thought when getting a ham that I should allow 1 and a half to 2 pounds per person like you do with turkey.  Guess what I was wrong.  I made a mistake, I goofed up.  I have more ham than I know what to do with, I bought an 18 pound beast of a ham and have about 15 pounds left and this is after I stripped the meat off the bone for a soup bone.  I don’t know what I was thinking but……I am going to have to watch Forrest Gump again so I can get the shrimp recipe ideas and turn them into ham ideas. Lets see I can barbecue it, broil it, bake it, sauté it, have it in gumbo, have ham soup, pineapple ham and a ham sandwich on rye of course.  Tomorrow what happened to the jelly beans?

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