Friday, September 19, 2014

Daily Dose of BS Sept 19 driving

When you have a vehicle that you drive with your work info plastered all over it you tend to drive more cautiously because your contact info is all over the place.  Yesterday afternoon I was driving the radio station Scion Ion, and yes I do fit in it, to a remote to sell Oktoberfest tickets, when I needed to switch lanes, I looked around there were a few car lengths in between the truck in front and the car behind that I wanted to slip in between, I put on my blinker to move over then did.  Waved to the guy behind me to say thanks, and he flipped me off.  I did the shrug shoulders thing he did it back, and then flipped me off again this time while on the horn.   I then had to turn into where I was going to be doing my remote and the guy followed right behind me, I am thinking ooh ooh I am in my station car and really can’t do much, thank goodness he continued on, as I glanced to make sure he was going away I noticed a bumper sticker from another radio station holding his bumper together, maybe he was just saying hi.  

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