Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Daily Dose of BS Sept 16 panhandling

Three times this week I ran into panhandlers and it is only Wednesday.  Two over by Walmart on the south side and yesterday while sitting at a light for about 5 minutes out by the Mall.  I want to say get a job.  The effort that is taken standing out there with a sign is more than they would have to do for many jobs.  As I have been getting older I have become more cynical and when I see the sign that says will work for food, or anything will help or down on my luck.  I want to say we all have bad days, how we choose to let those days guide us is up to us.  I have heard from others around town that they have given food and drinks to some of these people and it has been left there on the side of the road.  I also notice that once someone leaves from a particular panhandling place that often that place is left littered with candy bar wrappers and pop cans.   

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