Friday, December 30, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 30

OH NO!!!! It’s going to be 2012, the world is coming to an end.  According to the Mayans the world is going to come to an end in December of 2012.  What should I do?  Get all my ducks in a row, by stock in Rolaids, and bunkers are us?  Do you think that worrying about the end of the world is going to do you any good?  Do you really think that the world is going to end in December 2012 because the Mayans got tired of putting together their calendar 5000 years ago?  Are you going to be surprised when you wake up on December 22 next year?  I mean in my lifetime there have been many dates that have come and gone where the world was to end, and guess what, it didn’t happen.  I remember as the year 1999 was coming to a close, there were many who were worried about the world crashing around us and the preverbal stuff hitting the fan, with computers crashing and the world starting to rotate backward, and people taking shelter in bunkers with pallets of bottled water and boxes upon boxes of mre’s.  Guess what they never needed them.  I don’t think it is bad to have a plan for emergencies but to change your life and waste your time worrying about the impending doom and gloom of 2012.  Someday your life will end, and it may well be in 2012, but is it worth the worry and wasted time when you could be doing something more productive? 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 29

We live in a pretty safe area, why do so many people lock and alarm their cars?  I very rarely have anything of any value in my car and if I do what is to stop someone who really wants what I have from taking it?  The reason I bring this up is a few weeks ago, I locked my keys in the car.  Stupid right?  I had to walk back in to the store where I was shopping and ask for a wire hanger, I luckily had the window open a crack so it was easy to get in.  Awhile back a co-worker had locked her keys into her car, so I did a bit of internet research to help her to break into her car.  No luck, I did find lots of bad advice on the internet and lots of myths that are out there to be busted.  She ended up calling a tow truck to break into her car.  Lesson learned….at least till the next time.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 28

Are you ready for your yearly lie? Lots of us start the year ready for failure. How often have you said to yourself this is the year I am going doesn't matter what the ... is since many of us have filled in the blank with some unrealistic goals. Like this year I am going to Start Exercising, Eat Better, Spend More Time with Family & Friends, Quit Smoking, Enjoy Life More, Quit Drinking, Get Out of Debt, Learn Something New, Have a positive frame of mind, Be Real, Think to the future, Smile more often, Respond to all emails in a timely fashion, or do things for me....I am not buying that in your mind you think you are going to do those things, but lets get real. How often have you made those little promises to yourself? When I was a smoker I made that new years resolution countless times.  I finally made the decision to quit and haven't had a cigarette for over 4 years.  I didn't do it as a New Years resolution.  I did it as a birthday gift to myself and was good for one year, each year I have given myself the same gift.  To make your resolution better obtainable I would make it realistic, plan ahead, reward yourself, talk about it, remember that most people think that if you make a mistake that you've blown it...use your setbacks as a stepping stone or a learning experience.  Don't beat yourself up and understand that you will have set is not the end of the world to take a step back when your eye is on the end goal...basically quit lying to yourself and set realistic goals and have a plan of attack.  Good luck in your endeavor to become a better person. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 27

Now that Boxing day is done, I have a few observations of the past few days.  Lets start off with last Friday, my mother came for a visit, I love my Mom and enjoy spending time with her...but she likes to sleep in and when they come for a visit, they sleep till at least 8, by 8 I have 3 plus hours of my day in the bag...that and when they come they sleep in the front room which is between the rest of the house and the front door.  I enjoy reading the paper on weekend mornings.  Christmas Eve was Saturday, we went to church as a family, amazingly the kids offered to do the dishes for Christmas Eve dinner...I think the last time that they offered to do dishes was last Christmas.  We then unwrapped gifts, it is amazing that 2 months of planning and a years worth of saving for can be done in less than 30 minutes...30 minutes to unwrap all those gifts...WOW, and this year we went slow.  Kids went to bed in hopes of a visit from Santa.  He arrived with bells really I heard them.  The kids were happy when they came down at 6:30 Christmas morning.  Got the goods hooked up, played in harmony for about an hour when the screams of unfair could be heard from downstairs and then the tattling of he's doing this and she's doing that...Christmas breakfast was served and not one of the 4 kids offered to do the dishes.  I guess that they got what they wanted.  Mom left Dad then came, I love my Dad but he is opinionated and we clash at times (I guess I am like my Dad)...Christmas dinner and then back to the rotary lights with Dad, open more gifts and watch the Packers.  Bringing us to yesterday and again the kids arguing from the basement about who knows what.  Went to a couple of stores to get a few things with the know gift cards need to be spent right away after all.  I now know why yesterday is called Boxing Day, as the parking lots at the stores you feel boxed in and in the big box stores you are overwhelmed with people...back to work and no boxes and no "Dad would you tell him to share!"  Happy back to work Tuesday.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 23

Merry Christmas, there I said it.  I hope to not get shot over my wishes for a great season.  When I grew up everyone said Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Now we need to ask if it is ok to say Merry Christmas, and which New Year are you celebrating?  Call me old fashioned or naïve, I am wishing you good cheer for this time of the year, for me it is the holiday season.  I am not trying to push Christianity down your throat.  I was raised saying Merry Christmas, and I believe in the Christmas season.  I know that this time of the year is difficult for some and joyful for others, I am also aware that this time of the year is also a Holy time of the year for people with other beliefs, and if someone wished me Happy Chanukah I would not be offended, in fact I would embrace the fact that someone had good wishes for me.  I think that we as a whole have been too into the political correctness of the day.  It runs from those who won’t budge on the Merry Christmas and saying it’s Christmas damn-it and you should say Merry Christmas, to those who refuse to say or recognize the birth of Christ and the reason for the season.  Even the people who refuse to take part in any of the celebrating that is going on this time of the year.  Is it bad to enjoy the joy, the lights, the camaraderie of your friends and family, the smiles on Christmas morning when Santa delivers his goods?  I will continue to say Merry Christmas, for those that are non-believers please don’t take it as me trying to be political, it is a wish for good cheer, and by the way Happy New Year. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 22

The guys I play cards with and I have a Christmas party and we exchange gifts and these gifts are the worst of the worst.  I think some of the guys lay up at night trying to think of the worst possible gift ever.  Last year one guy gave a padded toilet seat that he decorated with corn and chocolate bars.  It was hilarious...every year we try to out do the worst gift ever.  I found the perfect website for the white elephant gift person on your list.  Check out, some of the stupid gag gifts that they have are a pooping reindeer sweater, a toilet coffee mug, a remote control whoopee cushion, a countdown clock, a doomsday calendar, a dashboard pole dancer and so many more stupid Christmas or white elephant gifts.  If you are looking to get the crowd to laugh at your January company Christmas party or to give the best gag gift for your gift exchange, I would check out  Back to my card playing friends, we have bah humbug friend, I will call him Tom...he hates Christmas, the whole Christmas season.  Well a bunch of my buddies decorated a 16 foot Christmas tree with lots of lights and a string of red solo cups, a huge Noel sign and put it on a timer all while Tom was out of town....I wonder if he'll send the electric bill to the card group....scrooge.   

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 21

Hi my name is Bob and I have a hearing problem...I never get sick of hearing the jokes...what or huh.  The past 4 months have been great thanks to Beltone Hearing Center.  Last night I was watching tv with the volume at eight, when all of a sudden there rose such a clatter...I jumped from my recliner to see what was the matter, I opened the front door and to my surprise there was a small car with their hearing close to demise.  The bass was pumping so loud and so was so loud I knew not what to do.  I wanted to run out and say turn it down, but was in fear that my voice would have been drown.  The kids were in the car, doing what I don't know.  I am sure that their ears were soon were to blow.  I wondered aloud and said to myself those speakers didn't come right off of the shelf, they scripmt and their proud...of the thumping of's too damn loud I wanted to yell in their face.  But thought once again about being young when I could hear, if they keep it that loud, they could be deaf by next year.  The season is among us to celebrate and be glad...having them turn it down would have them thought me their Dad...Merry Christmas to all and to all lots of cheer....and turn down the sound so that we all can hear.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 20

My family and I made quick trip to Eveleth Minnesota (where the US Hockey Hall of Fame is) this past weekend, we left on Saturday morning and got back Sunday evening.  We went for a get together for my wife's family, for Christmas and such.  It was kind of fun as a couple of my brother in laws opened up and started telling stories about the trouble that they caused when they were kids.  I guess the statute of limitations ran out, that and their kids are old enough now to not try the stupid things that they did ( I am still holding a bunch of stories waiting for both those things).  The hotel where we stayed wasn't bad as they had a bar, and not on the windows.  The weird thing about the hotel is that they had ear plugs next to the beds and a card attached to them that read, please enjoy a quiet nights sleep, use these ear plugs to stop the trains noise.  It worked for the train but not for my kids snoring.  I Tivo'ed the Packers Game not Teeboed the game, meaning I DVR'ed it so that I could watch the Pack once I got brother ruined my drive home and my Sunday night enjoyment of watching the game buy texting me this...It's all about the Chiefs...they beat the Pack.  I had avoided my buddies texts up to that point since they were at the game.  I figured my brother wouldn't be texting about the game right????  I was wrong.  

Friday, December 16, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 16

Having friends is a good thing, there are so many ways to meet new people from the old school way, to work to other friends to meeting people at a bar to online and all the ways in between.  I am very blessed I have many good friends, people who would do anything for either me or my family or other friends.  It is funny if you think about the way that we become friends, it all starts with the simple task of just saying hello.  Making eye contact and the ability to carry on a conversation.  This basic art of conversation is often lost with the way we are all now connected via the internet and texting.  What happened to the sit at the bar with a friend and being introduced to some of their friends and then carrying on conversation with them?  I got the chance to do just that last night.  One of my buddies who is an entertainer that travels the world has a friend who is an artist the two of them a retired guy and I got together for a few Downtown Browns at a local tavern last night.  We didn't solve any world issues, but did talk smart, told some stories and learned some about each other.  The art of conversation may be lost with modern forms of communication, but set me down with just about anyone and a beer and there will be conversation.  

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 15

I have about this much patience...especially since I am getting older.  I don't know about you but sometimes it is the little stupid things that bug me like there is no tomorrow.  Like rude people, or people who talk on their phone at a volume 10x what the normal volume would be.  It is a piece of equipment with a microphone...microphones amplify sound, you don't need to yell in to the phone.  I am also irritated by people who say certain things for example this phrase "You just don't understand."  Really irritates me, it grates on my last nerve...I think it is because my son uses it all the time when he is trying to negotiate with me and is loosing the  argument.  What gives anyone the right to say those words you just don't understand.  Maybe I don't but do you need to point out that I am not that bright?  Maybe try to inform me with some words and ideas I do understand.  My Dad used to say you don't know and you don't know that you don't know.  I challenged him on that also by pointing out that he didn't know either, he quit using it.  I don't know what it is about getting older and not being as flexible but I am trying but please quit being stupid so we can get along.   

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 14

Rain, Rain go away come again some other day.  I always thought it was April showers that bring May flowers.  I don't remember a nursery rhyme that has anything to do with December rain, do you ( how ever there was a A Gun's and Rose's song called November Rain)?  I for one am sick of the puddles in the back yard and the ground being just frozen enough to keep the puddles there and grass just dead enough to have the dog tear up what is left of the brown grass...we have a lovely stew of mud, a few leaves, some grass and what dogs leave behind mixed the right amount of kids toys in our yard for a wonderful fall / early winter backyard stew.  What good is living in a colder climate such as Wisconsin when you can't enjoy what the snow has to offer from skiing, to snowboarding to tubing and sledding, to ice skating, fort building and snow ball fights.  My oldest wants to get a snow mobile this year and I told him to wait till it the rate we are going it is going to be awhile.  While I am not a huge fan of the white stuff I do enjoy shoveling every once in awhile.  I know weird right, but there are people out there that enjoy cutting wood, so I stand by my enjoying shoveling...snow.  So for what it is worth, I wish we would get some snow, and be done with the rain at least until rain season.  As Bing Crosby sings...I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 13

Yesterday I got to play the big man in the red suit at The Rotary Lights at Riverside Park.  I have played the big man before…but never for so many kids.  I dressed up warm with long underwear, and 3 layers of shirts figuring that I was going to be outside at and I hate being cold, I failed to realize that there was heat in the Santa shed.  I walked out to Santas home by the river nestled within the 2.6 million lights at Rotary Lights, and already felt warm, sat down, glasses got foggy, felt panicky because I was too hot, and thought what if while I am sitting here I have to go to the bathroom, what if a kid uses me as a bathroom, what happens if someone pulls my beard or worse yet my finger?  What would I do?  What if the people show up and call me a phony….what if this or that or the other thing?  I took a couple of deep breaths through my beard, exhaled thru my mouth let out a hardy HO, HO, HO and decided it would all be good, and guess what it was.   All the kids that came by last night were on the nice list, their parents confirmed it.  Most kids wanted either an Ipod Touch, cars, dolls or a Guitar.  The choice of a guitar surprised this Santa.  If you haven’t been down to the Rotary Lights yet, I would suggest you do…bring a food donation to help to stock the food shelves, and Have a Merry Christmas.  

Monday, December 12, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 12

I got my 3rd nail in my tire in the past 2 months.  I thought I was going crazy.  Why would I have another nail in my tire?  Is there a hoodlum in my neighborhood that is out there spreading nails over the alleys and streets of the south side?  My son works for Bion’s service center on the South Side of La Crosse, and he has fixed our tire problems all three times, since Bion’s fix and repair tires.  My son said that there has been tons of cars, trucks and vans with nails in their tires this summer and fall.  I had to ask, is there a band of punks sprinkling nails on the streets, are there gangs dedicated to puncturing holes into the tires of unsuspecting Moms and Dads?  Are the tire companies trying to get more people to replace their tires?  Don’t your tires rotate themselves when you drive?  The answer to all of my tire puncture worries were put to bed when he said with all the roofs being replaced around town, nails sometimes end up in the street and sometimes end up in your tires.  Makes since to me.   I am still waiting on an answer on the tire rotation question… 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 9

I used to be a smoker…when I was younger I used to toss my cigarette butts out the window of my car…when someone pointed out to me that it was littering I stopped.  It bugged me lots as I have always been the guy who wouldn’t even toss a gum wrapper out the window or drop a sucker stick on the ground, and would get irritated when someone was throwing something away and missed the trash and just left it but didn’t see the big picture of not tossing a butt out the window.  When I see someone toss their cigarette butt out the window now it pisses me off and makes me angry.  I want to start writing down license plates and broadcasting them on the air, or post them on a website.  I watched a women yesterday waiting for her kids to get out of school sit in her car with the windows rolled up smoking, only to roll down her window 2 different times to toss her butt out the window.  Doesn’t your car have an ash tray?  Or some receptacle that you can toss your stinky burn butt into?  If you smoke remember that the world is not your ashtray..your butts present a threat to wildlife. Cigarette filters have been found in the stomachs of fish, birds, whales and other marine creatures who mistake them for food ...they are a form of plastic, cigarette butts can persist in the environment as long as other forms of plastic, and are not bio-degradable, don’t be an ass pick up your butt. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 8

In Hawaii it is considered The Hawaiian Steak; in Austin they have a museum for it.  In your inbox there is a ton of it, two different things, with one name.  I am talking about Spam.  I am a fan of the meat product that has the name however I always wondered who uses the jelly that comes out of the can when you open it and allow the meat to slowly drop from the can on to the plate with the suction cup sound as it slowly falls from its metal home.  I did try it once with peanut butter on a dare from my brother.  It was gross, I would suggest that you never do try it.  I like Spam mixed in with mac and cheese, or cold on a sandwich with lettuce and tomato.  I do not like my Spam fried like some people do, I think it tastes too salty.  I have never been to the museum even though it is only 90 minutes from here.  The reason I started writing about Spam is for the other Spam the stuff that ends up in your inbox.  I for one am sick and tired of being bombarded with offers for this or offers for that in broken English and bad grammar.  Do people really ever buy things from these spammers?  How often have you ever clicked on one or been temped to send your bank account number to some prince in South Africa?  These spam companies are not only robbing you blind of your time but think of the amount of time that you are wasting when you are at work getting your emails they are taking money out of your employers pockets with the time and productivity that is stolen.  I guess what I am trying to say is I am ok with Spam the tasty meat but not the time and money wasting junk email.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 7

I remember being one of the last of my friends families to get a microwave, and vcr.  We used to have to wait for things to warm up and had to watch tv when it was on and movies at the theater, we had to sit in one place to be on the phone since it was in the kitchen and attached to a cord…My have things changed.  I don’t think I know anyone with out a microwave and a dvd player, and most people have some sort of dvr, I am partial to the TIVO.  We carry cell phones have the internet in our pockets, and cars that talk to us.  Yet we are still wanting more, faster and better.  When will we be satisfied with the technology that we have, when will enough be enough?  I can remember when I first tried the internet and how cool it was to be able to have information at my fingertips, and be able to look at what ever it was that I wanted and have the potential to look up anything…I mean anything.  It was amazing how fast it seemed…but how soon we get spoiled; we want it faster, bigger and stronger.  Could you imagine trying to go online now at the speeds you had when you first started online?  I would go nuts, I am as guilty as the next guy wanting new and improved things and technology….hell I want my microwave to heat faster and my tivo to play at 2x speed so it won’t take as long to watch a show so I can get on and do something else…like nap because like the computers in your life sometimes I need a re-boot too. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 6

Its almost 2012 and I finally did it.  I stepped up and into the 21st century.  I have had a cell phone for at least the past 12 years.  A couple years ago I got a Blackberry and internet on my phone.  I have always just talked on the phone with people since I am a radio guy after all.  Why not talk that is what a phone is for right.  I used the Blackberry for emails for my home business and to correspond with friends and family with emails.  Why would I need to text right…enter life with a teenager.  You need to text have any contact with your teens since talking on the phone takes to long.  Um no, it takes less time but when I took typing in High School, I thought to myself when the hell am I going to type, I want to be a radio person and they just talk, and with typing it took so long…glad I learned to type first off cause I have such poor penmanship that I cant read my own writing, and I type more for my job then I care to think about.  So the short of it is, I took the plunge and if it takes me a while to text ya back or I don’t have the text lingo down…sorry.  It may take awhile to teach this old dog new tricks but I am trying.  Now if I can just remember where I put the damn thing.  Have you seen my phone?  Seriously I forgot it at home today…

Monday, December 5, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 5

As Katie Perry sang about Last Friday Night, I had an experience that happened then…I believe that we don’t have too much to worry about if the kids that were invited to my twins’ birth day party are any indication at all about the future of our world, our country, and our society.  My twins decided they wanted to have a slumber party and invite a few friends each to celebrate.  We decided on staying at a hotel to hit up the swimming pool and easier cleanup after the party.  I brought the WII the kids brought their swim suits, sleeping bags and appetites.   My twins are a boy and a girl so two rooms were needed.  The Holiday Inn Express in Onalaska was an awesome place to have this party…not only were they super accommodating, with a superb staff, but they have an awesome pool area that was not to hot or humid…if you have spent anytime watching your kids swim at a hotel you know what I am talking about.  There were not a ton of extra people in the pool are so the kids had a blast, we had pizza in their common area, played WII and ate cake and sang happy birthday.  All the kids that spent the night enjoyed a great breakfast with the automated pancake maker and other goodies.  Back to the kids…everyone of the kids every single one said please and thank you every time we did something for them and when they left (with out being reminded), and when we checked out the young lady working at the Hotel said that those kids were awesome, and she sees lots of parties there.  So to the parents that are out teaching your kids to be polite and respectful…I thank you.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 2

Christmas is fast approaching.  Have you shopped for your loved ones yet?  I am guessing you already bought for your kids but for your spouse most likely not.  What do you get the spouse who already has everything…really.   We live in a I want it now society and we really do want it now.  Heck when was the last time that you thought you needed a thingamabob and went to the store right then and there to get that thing?  I am guessing that more often than not you dropped what you were doing and went to get it, and if you couldn’t have got it then, you either obsessed about it or didn’t get it after all.  I was talking to a friend of mine Angela at my La Crosse Area Business Club meeting yesterday and she was talking about purchasing gifts for her husband and how they buy what they want, when they want, so there is really no need or surprise when it comes to gifts.  Her suggestion was how about she goes out and buys what she wants and wraps it up and puts under the tree and he goes out and buys what he wants and puts it under the tree then they will both be surprised at what they bought each other.  Kind of makes sense to me, since I am the worlds worst gift giver.  Would a coupon for me to do dishes be a good enough gift?  And how do you give a gift receipt with that?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 1

A headline on the front page of the La Crosse Tribune today says “Horses could soon be slaughtered for meat in the US”.  Kind of an unnerving thought, right…but the more I thought of it, we eat other kinds of meat that I wouldn’t want to think about.  I mean as the dairy state we drive by thousands of milk machines every year…and a juicy burger is one of my favorites.  And with Christmas right around the corner, think about how Santa travels through the air…I love a venison roast and venison sausage and jerky is delicious.  What would childhood be like without the toe counting song this little piggy went to the market this little piggy stayed home this little piggy made a great bbq pork sandwich, this little piggy was ham and this little piggy went mm mm mm all the way to the grill as a pork chop.  How many of you have had an aquarium as a kid, or loved the movie Finding Nemo?  Ever been to wild game feed or a fish boil…I am just saying.   Tv has introduced us to Andrew Zimmern and Bizarre Foods.  I am not advocating the killing of horses for meat, but I am going to try to keep an open mind… neigh…

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 30

I am not one of the 1% not now not ever.  I don’t think that that kind of money is necessary.  Why would one need multi billions of dollars.  Money can’t buy happiness, you make your own.  With that being said, I don’t understand what the occupy people are doing.  What does this grassroots organization hope to do?  I hear you, I see you, but I just don’t understand you.  I did a search to make sure I understood what the definition of occupy was and I did.   Here is how defined the word occupy.
1-To fill up (time or space)
2-To dwell or reside in
3- To seize possession of and maintain control over by or as if by conquest.
Ok you are aptly named, but are you truly representing the 99% of the non-rich.  I don’t think so…you can spend your time doing as you like, as long as it is with in the law.  But what do you hope to accomplish?  To let the 1% see you…guess what they have, and the rest of us have as well.  I guess being in the 99% I have a lot to accomplish each and everyday, like to provide for my family and to get things around home and around work, I don’t have time or the resources to be a part of the Occupy movement.  Plus I don’t like to be cold.  If you are sitting out there, occupying…so be it, I just don’t get it.  

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 29

I have been trying to get more active.  For the past 3 ½ months I have been going to the boot camp classes offered by the La Crosse Park and Rec and have been really enjoying it.  All my family has done it at some point before me and I made fun of them for walking funny or not having any stride with their walk after the first classes (for that I am sorry).  I quickly found out that doing the lunge and the lunge walk is sure to make you use muscles that you have never used before hurt and hurt bad…causing walking and stair climbing and sitting down then getting up difficult…that and using the bands and the balls and the mats and the hand weights will get the muscles in your body moving and aching but a good ache.  I will tell you what using 10 pound weights and doing ladders up to 10 will kick your ass, maybe not the first time through the reps, but on the 2nd time around  your arms will be toast.  Don’t even get me started on laying on the mat, and doing the core exercises…when I first started in the classes, the classes I have renamed Kick Bob’s Ass Class I couldn’t even do half the exercises, after 3 ½ months I can say my endurance has greatly improved and am on the way to a healthier me.   In that time I have completed a couple of 5 mile walks for charity and look forward to doing at least 6 - 5 mile or 5k’s next year.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 28

I ventured out into the world of unknown on Thursday night.  I attempted to cash in on the cheap pre-black Friday deals.  I left my house at 9:35 pm for a sale that starts at 10…5 minutes to get there, park then I have 15-20 minutes to walk in to Walmart and look around, get back to the electronics area get in line and be ready to buy the Xbox 360 with kinects, out of the store by 10:05 with the xbox in hand and on my way.  Because who is going to be out on Thanksgiving night at 10 right…I have a lot to learn when it comes to shopping on a crazy day like black Friday or Thankful its Thursday or what ever they are calling it.  I have never seen so many people in my life, I am a big guy and people less than half my size were pushing through me and running carts into me, what happened to manners and no pushing or saying please and thank you?  I guess it is called black Friday because people come out of the dark ages to shop.  I even tried to go to another store on Friday morning, ok 10:30 it is still morning right, and was told that the item I was looking for was sold out right away in the morning.  They had one of these items, that is right one.  And today is cyber-Monday…do like my friend Kris from U-Bake says…Say no to Cyber Shopping today.  You're community will look a lot of different when local businesses have to close because you can't be bothered to support them.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 22

My friend Karla brought to my attention the fact that there are many things cluttering our lives, most notably receipts.  Take a minute right now and open either your wallet or our purse, and I will bet you that you have at least 10 receipts in there.  How often do you get change when you order anything from a burger and fries to your groceries to a quick stop at your favorite store and you get a receipt?  If you are like most people I know, you either drop it in your wallet or your purse.  Pretty soon your wallet is jam packed with receipts and other non monetary items that make your wallet fatter and fatter and pretty soon you can’t even sit on it anymore.  I go thru this about every quarter or so, so I clean out my wallet, keeping receipts for my taxes, the thing about this is that most of the time when I do this, the receipts are so worn out that you can’t read what they say anyway.  I think it is a conspiracy from the stores and the IRS.  Charge a premium price for a business lunch, save the receipt and have it fade so bad it can’t be used come tax time.  

Monday, November 21, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 21

It was a weekend of tradition and new rituals.  A time for camaraderie, getting together with old friends and making new ones… playing cards, story telling, talking smart, staying up too late, and getting up before the crack of dawn.  A weekend of lots of great memories and many stories you can’t share with co-workers and family…a weekend of guys being guys and buddies hanging with buddies…this past weekend was our annual deer hunting trip to Wonewoc Wisconsin…there were 10 of us this year, two newbies to opening deer camp, and the rules are simple, be safe, have fun and what happens at deer camp stays at deer camp.  I have lots of great stories about this past weekend.  Many stories I believe that you would enjoy, maybe even a story of legendary status, but as I mentioned, what happens in Wonewoc stays in Wonecoc.  Here’s hoping that if you were in the woods this past weekend, that you too have many stories that you can go back an visit many times over in your head, because sometimes the reliving is a good or even better than the creation of the memories.  Happy Deer Camp.  

Friday, November 18, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 18

Living in La Crosse we are lucky for many reasons, there is beauty all around us from the bluffs to the rivers to everything in between.  We are blessed with having many things to do here as well.  From water sports, to great trails for hiking and biking and lots of culture for us all to enjoy and I am not just talking about yogurt, since we are the dairy state after all.  The culture I am talking about is theater lots of different options for us to enjoy from the high schools to colleges to the Community theater to the Heider Center to gem on the North Side The Muse Theater.  I am a little biased since I have preformed there with my Improv Group Sum Assembly Reekwired.  I went to their latest performance last night, Jekyll and Hyde and it was awesome from the casting to the set design to the acting and especially the singing, this crew can sing.  A top notch performance, I wish I had the chance to tell you about it before today as it closes tomorrow night.  If you are ready for a few laughs, and learning the story of Jekyll and Hyde with the help of many local talented actors I encourage you to see Jekyll and Hyde at the Muse Theater.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 17

A week from tomorrow many of you will be waking up extra early to head to your favorite stores, and the malls for the Black Friday shopping extravaganza.  Many deals from TV’s to computers to gaming systems to clothing to pots and pans and everything in between.  A few years ago I decided to explore the phenomenon that is Black Friday, it wasn’t a stretch for me to get out of bed at 5 since I usually am up by 4 to milk the cows (not really) but truly do get up early to get to work.  I was surprised by the amount of people up at the crack of before dawn to save a few bucks.  This year is different than in past years…many of the national retailers are pushing the Black Friday event to be a true Black Friday, stores opening up at midnight on Friday November 25.  I think that this is some kind of a conspiracy that the turkeys came up with so that way they won’t get gobbled up so much…Hear me out…isn’t it a fact that you get sleepy after you eat turkey, and if you have to be wide eyed and ready to go at midnight you are going to have to eat less turkey so your not as tired..Therefore you eat less turkey, so maybe just maybe next year the turkey business will be taking a hit…just a thought.   

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 16

The ribbon generation…I never heard that term before.  Neil who I share an office with says it’s the generation of young adults that are under 30 they got a ribbon for everything never lost never kept score, played to a tie.  The ribbon generation, makes sense to me if the kid wants to be the pitcher let him do it.  If she wants to play tackle football let her do it.  Playing soccer, running a race, hockey lets all play to a tie….yeah everybody wins.  If you don’t like who is in office lets have a recall.  I am ok with not liking who is voted in for an office, there have been many times I wasn’t happy with the results but I have never nor will I ever sign a petition to recall someone from office.  I will however sign each and every one of the petitions to get a candidate on a ballot either party.  I am not a fan of the impeach Obama or recall Walker campaigns that are out there now.  This isn’t the same as playing to a tie when you were a kid, there is real money being spent, money from the state coffers and I thought we were broke, trying to get the budget back on track.  I don’t get it….we all had the chance to vote and to vote for change last November and will have the chance next November.  The candidate you wanted in office didn’t win deal with it.  This isn’t the playground when you get a do over, your mommy isn’t there to give you a sucker cause you are sad.  If you don’t like who is running or who is in office do your duty next election cycle and vote…lets stop these stupid recalls, the only winners in all these recalls are the businesses running the commercials for the candidates…maybe we should have these recalls…any chance at a raise?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 15

It is amazing how fast time flies, I have mentioned here many times over the past years how fast the 24 hours of a Saturday and Sunday go by that much faster than the 24 hours of a Monday and Tuesday, but this past week I admit was a long one as my Twins turn 10 today.  For the past week all that was heard around the Schmidt house is can I get this for my birthday or that for my birthday?  When are we having our party, what are we doing for the party?  Can I invite so and so…the questions are nonstop.  This year has been a big year for all my kids as my oldest turned 16, my middle son hit the teenage years and the Twins Robert and Kenedi are now 10.  As a father I thought when the oldest was born and the love that I felt for him was so intense, I thought how can it be that way again, but guess what it was…and continues to be.   I am proud of all 4 of my kids and love them all.  Getting back to the original thought, my how the past 10 years have have flown by.  

Monday, November 14, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 14

Yesterday I went to the new Festival Foods in the village.  I am happy that they are finally open; I live in that neighborhood and missed the local grocery store.  The new store is huge and offers a ton of stuff from the great weekly specials to the great produce and meat departments to the biggest deli counter I have ever seen.  I like that you could get your banking done, grab a bite to eat and surf the net at the little area in the back of the store with wi-fi, and grab your favorite cocktail to go of course in the liquor department.  When checking out yesterday I got in the shortest line and was talking to the girl working the checkout and mentioned to her how odd it was that her line was so short.  She said it was because of her Minnesota Viking jersey she was wearing people avoided her lane, funny I thought but when you live on a border state your going to have this.  Gearing up for tonight’s Monday Night Football game with the Packers and the Vikings…Kinda bummed that ABC isn’t caring the game, gotta go somewhere to watch the game on ESPN, tonight is going to be a late night and tomorrow an early morning…but it is the price you pay for a Monday night football game….are you ready for some football?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 11

Today is Veterans Day, a day to celebrate our freedoms, and the Men and Women who have given of themselves to keep us free.  Earlier this week, I posted on the Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker calling the Holiday Tree at the capital a Christmas Tree, and the uproar around that issue.  If not for the brave men and women who have fought for our Country we would not even be able to have this discussion.  We would have someone in our government telling us what we need to believe, and then force us to wave the flag of what they think.  We are able to have our own thoughts, our own beliefs, our own interests…and guess what, they are not all going to be the same, if they were how boring would life be?  If you know a veteran thank them, because without what they did we wouldn’t have what we have, from what I see, and what I know we are living in the greatest place on earth.  America.  I got to spend last evening with my favorite veteran, my Father.  My twins school had a veterans program today and invited my Dad to it, he was touched.  Kari Knutson from the LaCrosse Tribune had in an article this morning that started…Some saw combat.  Some were behind the scenes.  Some never returned.  Their stories are all different, but for the people who lived them, unforgettable.  This Veterans Day, we honor all those who've made sacrifices many of us can only imagine…If you are serving or have served, thank you and Happy Veterans Day. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 10

It took till November 9th to get our first snowfall of the season.  It didn’t last long but the havoc it brought was kind of comical.  I grew up in the Twin Cities and have lived in the Midwest most of my life, I know when it snows you slow down a bit, don’t use your cruise, give yourself extra time and to carry a scrapper in the car.  I saw bad examples of all of the above yesterday.  Good thing that we only had a little snow, with the idiocy that I saw yesterday…help us when we have real snow.  It is funny how we forget the simple things in life, like to say please and thank you, look people in the eye when talking to them and how to drive in the snow.  Next time there are some flakes and not just the weird people in your town, I’m talking snow here, remember how to drive in the snow.  It is not a race.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Daily Does of BS November 9

I don’t know about you but I used to look forward to the phone book being delivered.  I would grab it and look through it to see what new information was being offered this year.  I was a weird kid, and sure I am a bit weird now as well, that is ok as I am ok with who I am.  Back to the phone book thing, I would read about the city, the county and the state.  The information was right at my fingertips.  Plus I always checked to see if our listing was right, I would then check on my Grandparents numbers and my friends, I even remember looking for “famous” peoples phone numbers they were never in there.  The world at least my community was right at my fingertips.  I grew up in the Twin Cities so the phone book was lots bigger than the La Crosse phone book.  I remember going to look up the family’s information and finding another person with the same name as my dad who lived on the same block name and almost the same address for example they were on 1235 east Main Street when we were on 1234 west Main Street.  I am sure I wouldn’t find that now…because no one uses the phone book anymore, infact I don’t remember the last time I grabbed one.  Do you?  The reason I bring this up is there is about 72 phone books by the front desk at work, and only 2 or 3 have even been picked up.  It is even too small to use as a booster seat.  I like now that any info you need for the world is at your fingertips…on the internet.  

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 8

I don’t care if you like Governor Scott Walker or not.  I really like that he is taking a stand on the Christmas tree thing.  He is calling the spruce that is decorated with ornaments and the star on top in the Capital Rotunda area a Christmas Tree.  He is standing up for what he believes in and not caving into what a few believe in.  The tree was always called a Christmas Tree in the State Capital from the time it was first displayed in 1916 up through 1985 when is was changed to the more generic holiday tree.  The Christmas Tree is on display from late November through Early January.   The group Freedom from Religion is not happy with this decision saying it would offend nonreligious people and give a government endorsement of Christianity.  Now the pictures that I have seen of this tree from past years, it is a work of art, it has beauty and a calming sense about it.  I don’t see how others even those who don’t believe in Christmas would find it offensive to look at a thing of beauty.  I am not Buddhist but am not offended by a Buddha statute; I am not Jewish and am not offended by the Menorah.  To quote Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?”  What happened to the saying “Coexist” is it only coexist if you see things my way?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 7

Parts of Arizona, parts of Indiana, and all of Hawaii have it right…leave the time alone.  I hate daylight savings time…I hate changing the clocks, I hate that people say you have an extra hour of sleep, and as I am getting older I hate that my body doesn’t seem to cooperate with the change as it once did.  Lets address these three issues… 1- I hate changing my clocks, well La Crosse Technologies has helped with this, however, I finally got my microwave and stove to show the same time, now with the change and they are off again, and when I changed my watch, I changed the date by mistake (I have an old school analog watch). Number 2- you don’t get an extra hour of sleep, I for one am smart enough to listen to my body when tired I sleep and when my alarm rings I get up, I didn’t get an extra hour of sleep this weekend, and I am guessing you didn’t either.  Bringing me to my 3rd issue that my body is not as elastic as it once was, I was up an hour before my alarm this morning…why..because that is how I trained my body the past 6 months or so.  Come next spring I am going to be tired an hour after my alarm rings.  Let’s all get together and ban the time change, or have a compromise the next time and switch it by 30 minutes and call it good.   

Friday, November 4, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 4

It all started the other day…the alternate side parking law for LaCrosse began at 1am November 1st, warnings were handed out the first 2 days.  The cost for parking on the wrong side of the street this year is $10 the same as last year, that is if you pay it within 10 days from there it goes up to 20 bucks then after 45 days it will cost you 40 bucks.  This year is different for me as I now have a teenage driver, and I am guessing he won’t be paying attention to the sides he parks on, although so far so good.  As a Dad I will help him out with one $10 ticket, after that he will be on his own.  I hope to not have to pay it at all.  Last year the La Crosse Police Department alternate side parking enforcement wrote out 17,660 tickets and took in $92,164 in fines.  That is a lot of $10 tickets.  BTW they took in less money last year by over $6,000 from the year before.  Is it that we are finally learning what alternate side parking is….I doubt it.   

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 2

Getting kids involved in sports helps your child in so many ways from encouraging a healthy lifestyle, to promoting self esteem, to learning goal setting and teamwork, to making life long friends, but most importantly having fun! And how cool would it be to learn a new sport? River City Youth Hockey is inviting girls and boys aged four to nine years to Green Island Ice Arena this Saturday morning for a Try Hockey for Free clinic part of a program to introduce kids to hockey. It is also a great way for kids to have some fun on the ice, learn sportsmanship, and meet some new friends. Plus the first 40 kids to register and attend receive a free jersey. To register,http://www.aPublish

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 1

Today is the first day of the concealed carry law for the state of Wisconsin, my friend Mark Thole is a conceal carry trainer.  We are the 49th state to allow this, only Illinois remains as the sole hold out.  In Wisconsin you could have carried a gun in a holster prior to today, but now you can have the side arm tucked away.  Have you been anywhere where someone was carrying a gun that wasn’t a cop?  I have seen it a few times and thought it was kind of weird and uncomfortable.  I felt like I was in the old west.  I guess the old “out of sight out of mind” argument came into play.  Do I think that the conceal carry law will have an effect on the safety of me?  Or you you?  My guess is no.  I bet that the novelty of carrying a gun will wear off about a day and a half after you are able to wear it.  I bet that many will get the license just because and then never carry.   So the big question on most peoples mind is when can I shoot someone?  Well with the new law you cannot use force or threaten to use force unless you are preventing immediate death.  You can act in order to prevent harm to yourself or a 3rd person…you can not provoke an attack and then claim self defense.  I guess in my 43 years on earth I have never been in that situation and hope to never be.  And for the slim chance that I would be in that situation, will I carry a concealed gun…I guess the better question is are you willing to take that chance?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 31

Halloween goes against everything we teach our kids, don’t talk to strangers.  Don’t beg for stuff.  Don’t take candy from strangers.  We for some reason let our guard down on October 31st.  Weird… how Halloween has gotten to be such a huge holiday.  I remember when I was a kid I was always either a bum or a ghost, and they were always homemade costumes.  My mom cut holes in an old white bed sheet for the ghost costume and I wore my grandpas hat and some of my Dads old clothes to be a bum.  What happened to the good old simple days of homemade costumes?  Nowadays there are stores dedicated to only Halloween to isles at the box stores all devoted to spooking it up.  You are even seeing more and more homes putting up lights and decorations in their yards…in fact there are many homes that go way overboard on the macabre.  One last thought on Halloween…when I was a kid and went trick or treating, my Dad always checked all the Snickers Bars, for some reason they were the only candy bar that he ever checked…I now know that Snickers were his favorite, but as a kid…I always wondered.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 27

I own a small business with a few dozen clients, I really love doing my business I also love doing radio as well.  I am disgusted however with the amount of clients, business people who expect to be paid by their clients who are bad at paying their own bills.  I have talked to other small business owners and they have the same problems with some of their clients also.  I would think if money is important to said clients that paying a bill would be important to them...apparently it isn’t true.  I have billed some of these clients of mine 3 or 4 times for services rendered (I have already done the work).  I wonder what the excuse for non payment is (these people avoid talking to you)?  I see people going in to these businesses, spending money…but still no payment to my business.  I can say I have been late by a few days a couple of times in my umpteen years of being an adult and paying bills, but have never not paid a bill.  If you owe someone some money please take this as a gentle push to pay whomever it is that you owe so that way they can sleep a little better tonight knowing that they will have the money on hand after you pay them so that they can pay their bills and maybe you can sleep better too.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 26

I hate to paint, do dishes, and wash windows.  I have hired out painting in the past, got kids for the dishes, but windows, that is another story the last time that they needed cleaning, I replaced them with more energy efficient windows… well it has been many years.  I have just let the windows go…until the other day…I finally broke down and got my windows cleaned.    Jim Browning and his crew from Spotless Window Cleaning showed up in their truck with ladders in tow, they strapped on service belts and got to work…they scrapped and scrubbed the windows, the frames and the screens.  I didn’t realize that my windows were so dirty.  The house felt warmer cause the sun was able to peek in the windows now, if there had been any moonlight the last few nights, I could have gone without lights…what a big difference some soap water and elbow grease can do.  I suggest if you want a brighter day at your house, wash your windows.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 24

I remember hearing when I was a kid that early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.  I have been living the early to bed and early to rise part of the saying for most of my adult life....I am just waiting for the rest of the saying to come to fruition...Otherwise I have been going to bed early for no good reason, and getting up at 4am is for the birds...really, it know the saying the early bird gets the worm.  The thing is I am not a fish so I am not too keen on worms.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 20

Yesterday I posted on fb about the fistbump and had someone ask about manners. That is a good question, what has happened to manners? When I was growing up I was taught to look people in the eye when talking to them, to hold a door for a stranger, to say good morning, to say please and thank you, to ask someone if they needed help and then actually help them. I watch too many people walking or skating through life not caring about anyone from their neighbor to their family. It has become too much of a me first society. When did that become the norm? I mean even at many stores, you walk in buy your stuff and check out without someone even saying something to you. In fact there have been times that the only words that someone has said to me in a store is 24.99 or what ever the total bill was…nothing else. Not did you find everything or thank you for shopping here…We need to step back and re-evaluate.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 19

I am old school when it comes to many things, including the good old fashioned handshake. I was taught by my father to have a firm handshake and that you should look people in the eye when you talk to them. I will occasionally give a high five or fist bump to a really good buddy or to one of my kids. I would never give a fist bump to a business person, or so I thought…yesterday when I stopped for lunch I ran into a prominent business man from LaCrosse and said Hello, and offered my hand…and was surprised when was greeted with a fist. I thought about this for a while, and it bugged me, so I did a little research on the good old fist bump. Lots of people credit germaphobic Howie Mandel as the originator of it; others say it was from the 70’s on the basketball court, still others say it was from the “Wonder Twins” cartoon from the 70’s. No matter where it came from, it is used by the masses, but to me still uncomfortable with it with someone not in the inner circle. Could you imagine giving the fist bump at church during the sign of peace? To me …give me the good old handshake.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 18

I am holding out, I have not turned on the heat yet for the fall. This morning I was contemplating it…but took a hot shower to warm up instead. When is the right time to turn the heat on? In the Trib this morning they had a couple of stories about tuning up your furnace, they also wrote about the importance of changing your filters and also the cost savings of using a programmable thermostat. I have been using one of these for a few years now and I do see the difference. We reinsulated our house when we did a remodel about 10 years ago. We added about 50% size to our house, added a new furnace, insulated a lot and our bills were less than they were prior to the remodel. I also keep my heat low only 64 most of the time, I figure if you want to be warm, wear your slippers and a blanket.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 11

Today is national face your fear day. At work today I got the flu shot. I was wondering if anyone I work with has the fear of shots…so far doesn’t seem like it. I got mine bright and early and as always no pain. Unfortunately this year they didn’t bring fun cool band aids, but they did say they have cool snoopy ones for the kids. I have always been intrigued when getting a shot, whether getting a shot or giving blood I always watch as the shot giver or phlebotomist poked my arm. I have asked a few others about this and about half said they like to watch too. The nurses who gave the shot suggest that we all get protected from influenza with the shot, she also said the CDC suggests that everyone over 6 months get the shot that protects you from 3 strains of the influenza virus. And kids under 18 get theirs for free to find out more about getting your flu shot give the county heath department a call at 608-785-9723 or friend them on facebook you won’t be sorry.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 10

I wasn’t raised in a family that hunts and fishes, my friends have helped me to discover the joys of that.  That being said this past weekend in Wisconsin was Youth Hunt…no its not open season on kids.  The DNR opened last weekend up for hunters between 10-15 get a jump on the old timers.  I sat in the woods with my middle son Zak, we saw two deer sneaking through the woods on Saturday afternoon, we waited and didn’t see them again until we had unloaded, and were headed to the truck to pack up our gear to head back to the Byington farm.  There in the middle of the road about 20 yards from the truck was a good sized doe standing broadside.  My son was bummed; I just laughed and used it as a life lesson.  If you are not into hunting or fishing, I would suggest you learn so that you can spend some quality time with your kids….and your friends.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 7

Last night my son Zak and I went to the Dierks Bentley show at the La Crosse center, the seats we had were awesome.  It was his first concert.  I remember my first concert when I was 8th grade I saw Montly Crue and Ozzy Osborne.  This show was a far cry of a rock show from the 80’s but was a good show with great showmanship.  I was truly impressed with the stage presence of Dierks Bentley.  He really rocked the stage and the audience I think was pleased with the show.  I used to be the guy at a show who would go the front of the speakers and try to be right in the line of sound ….lots of loud music at many decibels times 25 plus years caused a hearing loss for me but thanks to Beltone, I can now hear again.  Last night at the show I wore surefire sonic defender ear plugs, these are no ordinary ear plugs they fit into your ear and allow you to take in and enjoy the show without blasting out your ear drums, no ringing in my ears today thanks to the surefire earpro ear plugs….not that Dierks Bentley didn’t try. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 6

I am getting a little irritated by people who don’t read signs, for example when a sign at a park says no dogs…leave your dog at home.  Don’t get me wrong I love my dog Spark.  The sign is there for a reason, first of all for the safety of the other park go-ers, the second is some people are afraid of dogs, the barking bugs people, your dog is distracting to others around you trying to watch the football, baseball, soccer etc game, they draw kids and they get in the way of the people trying to watch said game, and if they bite a kid….your in trouble.  Read the sign if it says no dogs….then leave your dog at home.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Daily Dose of BS October 4

I think that bathroom doors in public places should swing out.  Here is the reason why.  How often have you been in the bathroom and the person in the stall next to you flushed opened the door and left the bathroom without washing their hands?  I find this sickening…this is also the reason I don’t eat popcorn at bars.  I know this is just another look into the weirdness that is me.  Have a great day and don’t forget to do as the sign says in most public restrooms employees must wash hands before returning to work. 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 30

I remember going to Q convenience store when I was a kid and getting fountain pop.  They had small, medium, and large.  One day they had a new cup the extra large cup…32 oz of my favorite pop.  I was excited.  I bought one drank about half of it and thought to myself how can someone drink all that pop.  I continued to try and finally was able to choke down that much carbonated sweetness…flash forward 25 years, I no longer drink that much pop, my kids do, but me…not so much.  I was looking last time I was at Kwik Trip and the 32oz extra large from when I was a kid is now the medium sized fountain pop, and we have all seen those insulated mugs that look like little garbage cans sitting on our co-workers desks.  It is no wonder that we are overweight, jittery and can’t sleep anymore.   

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 28

The other day my dog started barking and wouldn’t stop.  I went to see what was going on.  This old man had walked behind my car past my garage into my yard to take, no make that steal the aluminum cans that my kids have been saving for about a month.  I yelled out what are you doing and he responded I am picking up cans and talked to Harters about this and they said it was ok.  I am going to call an audible BS it is not ok, because I called Harters and they said it is against the law to as they called it “dumpster dive” in the city of La Crosse.  Now I wouldn’t mind if I had the aluminum cans out by my garbage cans but to walk into my yard take the aluminum, take money out of my kids pockets, lie to me and then argue with me about taking cans from my yard….well I have a problem with that. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 26

I have been in radio for over 22 years and for the most part have loved every minute.  I have been able to help out with different fund raising opportunities, come up with and execute promotions,  interview and meet many of my favorite bands, got to meet lots of famous people, even got to spend some time with President Bill Clinton.  It has been a real cool job.  There are some things about the job that I usually don’t like doing…most notably riding in parades.  I had to ride in the Oktoberfest opening day parade on Friday, and it really wasn’t bad.  The parade I really wasn’t looking forward to riding in was on Saturday the huge Mapleleaf Parade.  This is the first year I got to be a part of a float rather than just driving a station vehicle in it, and I really had fun.  Saw tons of people I know, got a few high five and a bunch of smiles.  Up next the Torchlight parade, see you Thursday night.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 21

A friend of mine heard a comedian say that you should never think about what was washed last with a bar of soap while you are standing in the shower.  I have tried to live by that since I first heard that…however sometimes you got to wonder… I am a bar soap guy I hate the liquid soaps that are flooding the market.  I think it is because you have to use one of those weird scrunchie things to wash with.  I tried to get in this century and use the bottled soap but just can’t do it.  Give me a good old bar of soap and I will have a happy shower.  There is a point in which the bar of soap gets to be about the size of a hotel bar and too small to use, that is when a new bar gets brought out.  The reason I bring this up is that we had guests on Monday night, they all showered yesterday after I left for work, used the rest of the soap and didn’t replace it, so I had to use my teenagers liquid soap this morning, I guess what I am saying is that I am excited to see if AXE soap really works.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 20

I saw what you did.  Have you ever looked around to see if someone was watching when you did something from adjusting yourself to when you tripped over the sidewalk or on the carpet at work?  I know when I do something like that I always look around to see if someone is watching or if someone saw what I did.  Sometimes you get lucky and there was no one around, but that is not being the case in today’s society.  There are cameras everywhere, and I mean everywhere, I read that on an average day we are on someone’s camera at least 75 times a day in the US and over 300 times per day in London.  I am guessing that, that number is a bit lower in our neck of the woods, but there are still cameras watching your every move…and if the camera misses it I am guessing that someone saw, and is watching, someone knows your secret.  As a matter of fact, dude in the red car driving down Jackson Street early last night, right before the sun went down…I saw what you were doing, next time grab a Kleenex. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 19

Weird weekend, I stayed home because my son asked me to.  I could have gone on a trip to Northern Minnesota for my Father-In-Laws 80th birthday.  My son had to work…I ended up having to also.  I realized that I am not a good be at home by myself person.  I don’t mind being at home for short bursts of time, but give me a weekend and I am going stir crazy.  I got bored, I grocery shopped, I went out for a few beers, I had diner with a friend, I did some cooking, cleaned the fridge out, emptied the dishwasher, filled the dishwasher, emptied the dishwasher and refilled the dishwasher,  went to a movie (don’t see Drive by the way waste of time)  I cleaned my office, ok I moved some things around in my office and it took me 4 hours to do it, I get easily distracted, I pick up some papers to throw them away and end up reading those papers before throwing them away, do this times a thousand papers it ends up taking hours of time.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 16

These last few days it has felt like fall is in the air.  I refuse to turn on the heat in the house until at least Oktoberfest.   I was tempted to yesterday.  I took my usual nap after work and had to grab a blanket.  I also have the windows closed.  I don’t know if I am getting old or it really is chilly.  I turned on the car heat both yesterday morning and this morning to help with the moisture on the windows, but grabbed a jacket on my way out today.  I like the seasons we have here, but does fall need to start so early?  I am still planning on wearing shorts till the first snowfall….

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 15

The La Crosse police department wants to do away with crossing guards.  They say that this will cut about 51 thousand dollars from the budget.  Isn’t this cost a necessary cost?  As a parent I am concerned especially since there are tons of vehicles on the busy streets of LaCrosse not paying attention, and having a crossing guard there is an extra pair of eyes for the excited child just finishing school.  What is the cost of a child getting hurt?  Pulling the crossing guards now????  Weird since the Childhood Obesity Coalition is pushing for kids to walk and bike to school with the safe routes to school programs, and there are different programs at the different schools that encourage kids to walk and bike to school.   These programs are working as more than 25% of the students in La Crosse County are walking to school and these numbers have increased over the past few years.  I believe that the crossing guards not only help with the kids safely crossing busy intersections but that they are also a “positive role model and a trusted adult” on the long walk home for many children.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 14

I haven’t worked retail since I was in high school.  I have a few friends that work it now as a second job.  I am surprised that with many retail stores have call-in shifts, where you are on the schedule to call in to see if you are needed.  I would think that as productive member of the community you would have better things to do than to schedule your life around the “possibility” of working.  Don’t get me wrong, having a second job is a good thing for the economy.  But having a “chance” to work at a job and not get paid to be on call….not being paid for the opportunity to not work and then scheduling or not scheduling a family event or a vacation or a get away in order to not work seems silly to me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 12

This weekend was a weekend filled with emotions from the Steppin Out in Pink walk on Saturday where 5400 people walked for breast cancer, to the Freedom walk yesterday and all the emotions that, that brought up.  My middle son had home work over the weekend, he had to interview us about what we were doing and thinking on September 11th 2001.  I was on the air with another radio station here in La Crosse and a listener called to say a plane hit the world trade center, we turned on the TV and like the rest of the nation we were in shock.  My oldest son was in first grade at Holy Trinity School, they pulled the kids into church after the terror attack, to pray for victims and to talk about what happened.  I like most, called all my loved ones and cried in disbelief.  In this past Saturdays La Crosse Tribune Kari Knutson wrote a column about never forget September 12…from how we reached out to friends, family and even neighbors, and how she chose to remember a nation united in it’s greif.  I am sad that we have lost some of the camaraderie that we had for about 3 months after the attack.  God bless America and as Kari Knutson wrote lets never forget September 12.  read it here 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Daily Dose of BS September 6

Ten years ago this Sunday is a day that most in our generation will remember like the, landing on the moon of the generation before, and the death of President Kennedy of the generation before that.  Why is it that the networks think that they own it?  If you have watched any network tv in the past couple of weeks, they claim to be the best and the first.  I will be willing to bet that you don’t remember where you heard it or what channel broke the news to you but you remember the feelings you had…the patriotism that felt, the American Pride that you had for the days, weeks and months after the tragic 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center.  I was working on the radio here in LaCrosse when a listener called and said a plane crashed into the World Trade Center and then a few minutes later another caller and then even more callers called with the news.  We reported the news and the feelings of the people who were living it, experiencing it, seeing it.  It was weird to have all air traffic cease after that day and when it finally resumed, remember how weird it felt and sounded?  I hope and pray that we never have to relive another 9/11 type attack on America.  

Friday, September 2, 2011

oops..Daily Dose September 1st...forgot to post

My middle son is a teenager today, for many of the past 8 years he has started school on his birthday, this year is no different.  I give him lots of credit, I would have been upset going to school on my birthday.  I grew up in Minnesota and when I was a kid we never started school before Labor Day.  Now the kids start September 1st and go till the first week in June.  I think that is a long school year, see my post yesterday, I don’t think it is bad just long.  If there are any snow days the kids get a “freebie”  then after one, they start adding days at the end of the year.   So in theory we could go to school till July if we have a bad enough winter…it is sad to think that this is a possibility.  Could you imagine going to school even past the first week in June?  Anyway happy birthday Zak and hope everyone had a great first day of school.