Friday, December 2, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 2

Christmas is fast approaching.  Have you shopped for your loved ones yet?  I am guessing you already bought for your kids but for your spouse most likely not.  What do you get the spouse who already has everything…really.   We live in a I want it now society and we really do want it now.  Heck when was the last time that you thought you needed a thingamabob and went to the store right then and there to get that thing?  I am guessing that more often than not you dropped what you were doing and went to get it, and if you couldn’t have got it then, you either obsessed about it or didn’t get it after all.  I was talking to a friend of mine Angela at my La Crosse Area Business Club meeting yesterday and she was talking about purchasing gifts for her husband and how they buy what they want, when they want, so there is really no need or surprise when it comes to gifts.  Her suggestion was how about she goes out and buys what she wants and wraps it up and puts under the tree and he goes out and buys what he wants and puts it under the tree then they will both be surprised at what they bought each other.  Kind of makes sense to me, since I am the worlds worst gift giver.  Would a coupon for me to do dishes be a good enough gift?  And how do you give a gift receipt with that?

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