Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Daily Dose of BS December 14

Rain, Rain go away come again some other day.  I always thought it was April showers that bring May flowers.  I don't remember a nursery rhyme that has anything to do with December rain, do you ( how ever there was a A Gun's and Rose's song called November Rain)?  I for one am sick of the puddles in the back yard and the ground being just frozen enough to keep the puddles there and grass just dead enough to have the dog tear up what is left of the brown grass...we have a lovely stew of mud, a few leaves, some grass and what dogs leave behind mixed the right amount of kids toys in our yard for a wonderful fall / early winter backyard stew.  What good is living in a colder climate such as Wisconsin when you can't enjoy what the snow has to offer from skiing, to snowboarding to tubing and sledding, to ice skating, fort building and snow ball fights.  My oldest wants to get a snow mobile this year and I told him to wait till it the rate we are going it is going to be awhile.  While I am not a huge fan of the white stuff I do enjoy shoveling every once in awhile.  I know weird right, but there are people out there that enjoy cutting wood, so I stand by my enjoying shoveling...snow.  So for what it is worth, I wish we would get some snow, and be done with the rain at least until rain season.  As Bing Crosby sings...I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas.

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