I used to be a smoker…when I was younger I used to toss my cigarette butts out the window of my car…when someone pointed out to me that it was littering I stopped. It bugged me lots as I have always been the guy who wouldn’t even toss a gum wrapper out the window or drop a sucker stick on the ground, and would get irritated when someone was throwing something away and missed the trash and just left it but didn’t see the big picture of not tossing a butt out the window. When I see someone toss their cigarette butt out the window now it pisses me off and makes me angry. I want to start writing down license plates and broadcasting them on the air, or post them on a website. I watched a women yesterday waiting for her kids to get out of school sit in her car with the windows rolled up smoking, only to roll down her window 2 different times to toss her butt out the window. Doesn’t your car have an ash tray? Or some receptacle that you can toss your stinky burn butt into? If you smoke remember that the world is not your ashtray..your butts present a threat to wildlife. Cigarette filters have been found in the stomachs of fish, birds, whales and other marine creatures who mistake them for food ...they are a form of plastic, cigarette butts can persist in the environment as long as other forms of plastic, and are not bio-degradable, don’t be an ass pick up your butt.
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