Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Daily Dose of BS November 16

The ribbon generation…I never heard that term before.  Neil who I share an office with says it’s the generation of young adults that are under 30 they got a ribbon for everything never lost never kept score, played to a tie.  The ribbon generation, makes sense to me if the kid wants to be the pitcher let him do it.  If she wants to play tackle football let her do it.  Playing soccer, running a race, hockey lets all play to a tie….yeah everybody wins.  If you don’t like who is in office lets have a recall.  I am ok with not liking who is voted in for an office, there have been many times I wasn’t happy with the results but I have never nor will I ever sign a petition to recall someone from office.  I will however sign each and every one of the petitions to get a candidate on a ballot either party.  I am not a fan of the impeach Obama or recall Walker campaigns that are out there now.  This isn’t the same as playing to a tie when you were a kid, there is real money being spent, money from the state coffers and I thought we were broke, trying to get the budget back on track.  I don’t get it….we all had the chance to vote and to vote for change last November and will have the chance next November.  The candidate you wanted in office didn’t win deal with it.  This isn’t the playground when you get a do over, your mommy isn’t there to give you a sucker cause you are sad.  If you don’t like who is running or who is in office do your duty next election cycle and vote…lets stop these stupid recalls, the only winners in all these recalls are the businesses running the commercials for the candidates…maybe we should have these recalls…any chance at a raise?

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