Today is the first day of the concealed carry law for the state of Wisconsin, my friend Mark Thole is a conceal carry trainer. We are the 49th state to allow this, only Illinois remains as the sole hold out. In Wisconsin you could have carried a gun in a holster prior to today, but now you can have the side arm tucked away. Have you been anywhere where someone was carrying a gun that wasn’t a cop? I have seen it a few times and thought it was kind of weird and uncomfortable. I felt like I was in the old west. I guess the old “out of sight out of mind” argument came into play. Do I think that the conceal carry law will have an effect on the safety of me? Or you you? My guess is no. I bet that the novelty of carrying a gun will wear off about a day and a half after you are able to wear it. I bet that many will get the license just because and then never carry. So the big question on most peoples mind is when can I shoot someone? Well with the new law you cannot use force or threaten to use force unless you are preventing immediate death. You can act in order to prevent harm to yourself or a 3rd person…you can not provoke an attack and then claim self defense. I guess in my 43 years on earth I have never been in that situation and hope to never be. And for the slim chance that I would be in that situation, will I carry a concealed gun…I guess the better question is are you willing to take that chance?
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