I believe I have earned my right to bitch, I vote every time and I think I have only missed a couple of primary election in past 17 years, and no general elections since I was able to vote. Before buying my house in La Crosse, I floated around for the 8 years from High School to home ownership, having worked in Mason City Iowa and Scottsbluff Nebraska. In both of those communities I found out where to vote and voted. The reason I bring this up is that there are some major things coming up both locally, statewide and nationally, locally there is the issue of a city administrator, statewide is the possible recall of the Governor and nationally this is an election year. We soon will be bombarded with lies on the radio, the tv from the different pac groups and via automated phone calls. I thought that if you signed up for the no-call list that these would stop, they didn’t. They are exempt, nice since they are the ones who make the laws, very convenient, allow a back door for their own agenda. Two days ago I got notice that my election place has moved, I live a couple of blocks away from the South Side Public library and now will have to vote at the Hogan Administration building a whole lot further away than the library. The funny thing is I just did a search of the new boundary lines and people who live next door to the South Side Library will have to vote at a new location also, while people who live further south in La Crosse will now vote at the Library. Now if I forget my ID it will take me longer to get home to get it, leave it to the government to make a simple thing more difficult.
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